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zzz1090 zzz1090
Posts: 204
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11 years ago
Why would someone pursue a natural science/biology/botany degree? What job would they ultimately be able to get with a bachelor degree?
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11 years ago
Oh there are lots.
Horticulture, tissue culture, propagation, physiology, soil scientist, and specialist. That is what I am. An agriculture plant physiologist specialist. I study the soils, growth of plant in its environment, irrigation, pathogens and consult people/ farmers on why their plant is not doing great. There is lots of money for these types of jobs. Since our planet is going hay-wire with pollution and stuff, we need people like me to help create a better life for people so they won't starve, find a cure, and set things straight within our locations (eg. controlling invasive weeds/wildlife)
I have always loved plants and how they grow. They are fascinating creatures.
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