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Tokii Tokii
Posts: 78
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11 years ago
Because a biology degree is apparently one of the harder majors to graduate with, and a psychology degree is one of the easier things to graduate with.
When I started college, I thought that all majors were the same level of difficulty, and that whether or not a subject was hard for you just depended on your interests/ natural inclination. Apparently not.
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11 years ago
i dont know
11 years ago
Biology is a useless major unless you're applying to medical school.

Psychology isn't great on it's own either, but it will be better than Bio. With psych, you'll probably want to either do a Masters to specialize, or do med school to become a psychiatrist.
11 years ago
do psychology because you have a lot more opt. then Biology. I am doing my BA in psychology with a concentration in substance abuse. I plan on going for my Masters i social work with a specialization in Clinical psy.
11 years ago
I think Biology offers more promise and job potential than Psychology because it has better opportunities related to the Healthcare industry, Nursing and Labs which are areas with job growth whereas Psychology definitely requires advanced graduate degree and many I know become school teachers and then pursue graduate school hoping to become Counselors and maybe School Administrators.  Yes, paying your dues while you are in college and pursing the more difficult major & curriculum does have payback benefits down the road when it comes to supply & demand which is why easier college majors are a bad investment and later in order to succeed require more college at a point in time when working a full-time job and trying to have fun makes some realize what a big mistake they made not being mature & serious enough to temporaily focus on good grades and biting the bullet when it came to course choices etc.

Hope the Above Info Helps!
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