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ashwvu90 ashwvu90
Posts: 53
Rep: 1 0
12 years ago
I want to find a part time job to help me pay for my graduate studies and other things. I am finishing my bio major. I heard that you can work as a lab technician in pharmaceutical industries, but I would like to know if other times of jobs exists for people with bachelors degrees.

I know you can't do much if you don't specialize your degree on anything but I just want some money to help me pay some stuff.
types not time.
Read 703 times
4 Replies

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12 years ago
TA at your university or a Lab tech
12 years ago
I used to work part time cleaning cages in the animal labs.  A lot of companies also just need a part time person to clean and sterilize glassware.  

I would put your resume up on something like Monster.com and a temp agency will probably help you out.  Also, talk to some of your professors...there is usually some kind of job open amongst the biology and chemistry labs.
12 years ago
OOOH u can goto a zoo, or an aquarium or a horticultor site(spelling)?
12 years ago
You can be a tech right out of college.  This is a good way to see if you are interested in science enough to get a graduate degree.  Most universities and research institutes have tech openings...good techs are actually hard to find.
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