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nzp123 nzp123
Posts: 122
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11 years ago
I'm not really sure what I want to do at college yet. Im very good at biology and enjoy it but i don't know what i can do with just a degree in biology besides education.
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11 years ago
With a BS you will be able to work in a lab, as a lab technician. You will most likely just be washing beakers and feeding the test subjects though. Or you could work at a school (college) as a lab assistant and help set up the labs for class.
11 years ago
With the current job situation, a good question. Normally I would say check the Department of the Interior job postings for forestry, fish and game type jobs. Some private companies hire out for water and soil testing. Education is always looking for good science teachers. Been one for 22 years. Politics is making any education job far more difficult and now we are pretty much babysitters with no ability to discipline students or hold them accountable for anything. My suggestion is, if you are able, stay in school and get a masters if not your doctorate. It will open up far more opportunites.
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