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duddy duddy
Staff Member
Posts: 7819
12 years ago
Everyone says organic food is better for you and better for the environment. But is that true, or is it just eco-marketing rhetoric?

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- Master of Science in Biology
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12 years ago
i dont think it makes much a difference!
Trusted Member
12 years ago
Thanks for posting this man. At this grocery store I work at, a lady came in today and asked for organic strawberries. I looked at the display and there were none left, so I told the lady that we also have the regular ones on special. She respectfully refused and I asked her why she preferred organic. She then went on to say that regular strawberries are poisonous because they spray them with pesticides; she said that strawberries, unlike other fruits are like sponges and they readily absorb pesticides. Inside my head I was laughing at this point for two reasons; the first reason was because she used the word "poison" instead of "toxic", and the second was because she said that the hormones they spray on the fruit can interact with our human hormones (lol). I went on to tell her that I am living proof the strawberries that are not organic are fine to eat since I'm not dead yet - if you think of it, anything that's poison reacts quickly and can kill you instantly upon ingestion. She responded by saying that it will have an affect on me in the future. I just shrugged and laughed. The reason why her second point held no merit in my view is because plant hormones have been scientifically shown not to interact with human DNA. Steroids activate DNA by binding to specific sites; unless plants and humans share similar growth proteins, this is unlikely and never to happen. I didn't really go on to explain my thougts, but I wished someone from here were in my position and spoke to her with some expertise.

Great video, once again (5 stars).
12 years ago
I guess some people thing pesticides cause cancer!!! I say that you will still get CANCER weather you eat organics or NOT!!!
12 years ago
I think often times people fail to remember that 95% of their foods are not organic, so how is one product going to save you from whatever their imagination thinks will happen?

Thanks for sharing that story, biolove, it's interesting how science-illiterate people think.
11 years ago
What about this one?

Cooking destroys nutrients

Sure, raw foods can be nutritious. But cooking breaks apart fibers and cellular walls to release nutrients that otherwise would be unavailable from the same raw food. Cooking tomatoes, for example, increases by five-fold the bioavailability of the antioxidant lycopene. Similarly, cooking carrots makes the beta-carotene they contain more available for the body to absorb. Soups are full of nutrients that would not be available in a pot of raw carrots, onions, parsnips and potatoes.

Cooking can also reduce certain chemicals in a vegetable that inhibit the absorption of minerals, including important minerals like zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium. Cooking spinach makes more iron and calcium available from its leaves, for example.

Admittedly, some nutrients are lost in cooking, such as vitamin C and certain B vitamins. But "plants are so excess in nutrients that even this breakdown is insignificant in practical terms," said John McDougall, creator of the McDougall Program, a vegan-friendly, starch-based diet.
11 years ago
Its like saying Sea Salt is better then table salt. They both came from the same place and have the exact sodium content.
Valued Member
11 years ago
Its like saying Sea Salt is better then table salt. They both came from the same place and have the exact sodium content.

I prefer iodine treated salt anyway more so than "sea salt",
Sunshine ☀ ☼
11 years ago
Here is my two cent: organic foods simply do not use pesticides. the word here is "pest" - creatures that eat up crops (worms eat apples, aphids eat corn). They use insecticides, the word here is "insect" which means any being that could affect the quality of the crop but would not eat the whole crop (flies).
Valued Member
On Hiatus
10 years ago
My mom wants to go all organic so this was interesting to learn about. Thanks for posting!
If you are reading this, you are awesome, and I wish you a happy and prosperous day!
Trusted Member
10 years ago
My mom wants to go all organic so this was interesting to learn about. Thanks for posting!

it has to be all or nothing , otherwise the diet isn't worth the paper it's printed on Undecided
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