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1LovelyNurse 1LovelyNurse
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13 years ago
Please help!
Endocrine System Physiology

The following questions refer to Activity 1: Determining Baseline Metabolic Rates.
1. Which rat had the fastest baseline metabolic rate?

2. Compare the baseline metabolic rates for the thyroidectomized rat and the normal rat and explain your results.

3. Compare the baseline metabolic rates for the hypophysectomized rat and the normal rat and explain your results.

The following questions refer to Activity 2: Determining the Effect of Thyroxine on Metabolic Rate.

4. What effect did administering thyroxine have on each of the rats?

5. Explain why thyroxine had these effects.

The following questions refer to Activity 3: Determining the Effect of TSH on Metabolic Rate.
6. Was there a change in the metabolic rate of the thyroidectomized rat with the administration of TSH? Explain your results.

7. Did the results for the thyroidectomized rat indicate hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism?

The following questions refer to Activity 4: Determining the Effect of Propylthiouracil on Metabolic Rate.

8. Describe the effect of administering propylthiouracil on each of the rats, and explain why it had this effect.

9. Do you think the drug propylthiouracil is used to treat hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism? Explain your answer.

Hormone Replacement Therapy
The following questions refer to Activity 5: Hormone Replacement Therapy.

10. Explain why ovariectomized rats were used in this experiment and correlate this to their baseline T score.

11. Recap your predictions regarding the effects of calcitonin and estrogen on bone density and explain why you made those predictions.

12. Why was one of the ovariectomized rats injected with saline?

13. What effect did the administration of estrogen injections have on the estrogen-treated rat?

14. What effect did the administration of calcitonin injections have on the calcitonin-treated rat?

15. How did your results compare to your predictions?

Insulin and Diabetes
The following question refers to Activity 6: Obtaining a Glucose Standard Curve.

16. What is a glucose standard curve, and how can you use this tool to determine a concentration of glucose?

The following questions refer to Activity 7: Measuring Fasting Plasma Glucose.

17. Which patient(s) had glucose reading(s) in the normal range?

18. Which patient(s) had glucose reading(s) in the diabetic range?

19. Which patient(s) had glucose reading(s) in the impaired range?

20. Describe the diagnosis for Patient 3.
The following questions refer to Activity 8: Measuring Cortisol and Adrenocorticotropic Hormone.
21. Which patient would most likely be diagnosed with Cushing’s disease? Why?

22. Which two patients have hormone levels characteristic of Cushing’s syndrome?

23. Patient 2 is being treated for rheumatoid arthritis with prednisone. How does this change the diagnosis?

24. Which patient would most likely be diagnosed with Addison’s disease? Why?
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Staff Member
13 years ago
Ms. Lovely Nurse, you know I can't give you all the answers, but I will start you off with these:

Activity 2: Determining the Effect of Thyroxine on Metabolic Rate (p. 47)

7. On the normal rat, the metabolic rate after thyroxine injection is faster than the baseline metabolic rate. The action of thyroxine is to increase the metabolic rate of all cells. On the thyroidectomized rat, the metabolic rate after thyroxine injection is faster than the baseline metabolic rate. The injected thyroxine compensated for the thyroxine lost when the thyroid was removed. On the hypophysectomized rat, the metabolic rate after thyroxine injection is faster than the baseline metabolic rate. The injected thyroxine compensated for the thyroxine lost when the pituitary gland was removed. The pituitary gland did not produce TSH, therefore the thyroid gland did not produce thyroxine.

Activity 3: Determining the Effect of TSH on Metabolic Rate (pp. 47–48)

7. On the normal rat, the metabolic rate after TSH injection is faster than the baseline metabolic rate. The TSH increased production of thyroxine. On the thyroidectomized rat, the metabolic rate after TSH injection is the same as the baseline metabolic rate.

Since there is no thyroid gland in the thyroidectomized rat, the injected TSH had nothing to act upon. There was no organ to receive the pituitary TSH and produce thyroxine, On the hypophysectomized rat, the metabolic rate after TSH injection is faster than the baseline metabolic rate. The injected TSH compensated for the TSH lost when the pituitary gland was removed, and spurs production of thyroxine.

- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
13 years ago
do you know where I can get an answer key to the physioex 8.0 for A&P exercises?
13 years ago
17. Which patient(s) had glucose reading(s) in the normal range?  patient # 1

18. Which patient(s) had glucose reading(s) in the diabetic range? patients #3 and #5

19. Which patient(s) had glucose reading(s) in the impaired range? patients #2 and #4

20. Describe the diagnosis for Patient 3. D.: gestational diabetes, sugars in the diet should be limited.

The following questions refer to Activity 8: Measuring Cortisol and Adrenocorticotropic Hormone.
21. Which patient would most likely be diagnosed with Cushing’s disease? Why? patient # 3 as levels of cortisol and ACTH were both high

22. Which two patients have hormone levels characteristic of Cushing’s syndrome? patients #2 and #5

23. Patient 2 is being treated for rheumatoid arthritis with prednisone. How does this change the diagnosis?Cushing's syndrom of Patient #2 is iatrogenic. D.: steroid diabetes

24. Which patient would most likely be diagnosed with Addison’s disease? Why?
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