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ebinilucas ebinilucas
Posts: 11
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8 years ago
What do you think of the relation between the law and morality regarding abortion? Do you think that if abortion is immoral, it thus ought to be illegal, or if morally permissible then it ought to be for this reason legally permissible?
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8 years ago
The most controversial and debated moral issue of the century is “ABORTION”. In the United States itself, about 45% of the pregnancies are unintended and 40% of them end in abortions. Well, instead of going into the statistics let us concentrate on the moral issues and the legalities of the subject matter.

The moral and the legal aspects of abortion are quite distinct from each other. Everything that is immoral may not be necessarily illegal. Unfaithfulness in a marriage may be considered as immoral but not necessarily illegal.

Those arguing against abortion hold the view that the fetus is an innocent person and it is morally wrong to end its life. These groups consider abortion equivalent to murder. However whether the so called immoral act of abortion is legal or illegal will depend on the law of the country. Some jurisdictions ban abortion almost entirely while some stipulates conditions that have to be met while others require the consent of the fetus’ father before the abortion.

Medical authorities feel that when abortion is medically or socially necessary, certain restrictions should be waived. In their population control strategy, China with their present one child policy has incorporated the clause of Mandatory Abortion.

The Roman Catholic Church says that human life begins when the woman’s egg is fertilized and therefore deliberately causing an abortion is a grave moral wrong. The pro-life groups in support of the Roman Catholic Church have taken a strong stance and vehemently challenge legislations supporting abortions.

Well, I personally feel that abortion is immoral and should be universally condemned barring a few instances wherein there is life risk to the mother or there is a possibility of a deformed child to be born. Social issues however should also be taken into consideration.

The debate on whether “abortion is immoral and should be called illegal” is never ending and the pro-life groups and their opponents supporting abortion will always be fighting for their belief and produce arguments and the law makers will have a tough time to come out with acceptable legislations.


•   https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081119083126AAIHyd6
•   http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/christianethics/abortion_1.shtml#section_2
•   http://www.iep.utm.edu/abortion/
•   http://atheism.about.com/od/abortioncontraception/p/AbortionEthics.htm
•   http://www.lifeandlibertyforwomen.org/issues/issues_morality_of_legal_abortion.html
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