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buggingout16 buggingout16
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11 years ago
Are the seperate disks Thylakoids? Are the groups of disk Grana? Is the liquid on the inside the Stroma? What color are all of these? I just need a basic overview of the structure and what it looks like because I am doing an edible model for a project and other sites are extremely confusing!

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11 years ago
I'm sure you could find a good answer on wikipedia with a diagram. But yes a disk is called a thylakoid. A group is a grana. The liquid is chlorophyll. They reflect green light which is why plants appear green.
11 years ago
A thylakoid is disk-like, resembling a single coin.  

A granum (plural, grana) is a stack of interconnected thylakoids, and resembles a stack of coins.

The liquid inside the chloroplast, but outside the grana, is the stroma.

The light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis occur in the thylakoid membranes.  Therefore, that is where the chlorophyll is located.  Chlorophyll does not absorb green light, so we see it as green.  Therefore, the thylakoid membranes (and therefore, the grana) would be green.

Here's a decent graphic of a chloroplast.
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