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SimSportPlyr SimSportPlyr
Posts: 5
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7 years ago
I am a non-biologist (my formal biology education ended with a high school class) who is slowly educating myself in an ad hoc manner by reading various books that seem interesting (such as Beak of the Finch and Botany of Desire) and by attending naturalist (Audubon, Native Plant Society, etc) field trips.

In other words, my biology knowledge is both scant and scattered.

I am looking for a resource that has graphical taxonomy representations (charts).   They charts could be zoological or botanical or general biology.   The format could be wall chart or book.

I hope my request is not too (unintentionally) vague or general.

Preferably, the material would not be too expensive or would be available on the used market.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

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7 years ago
Hi, welcome...

It sounds like you're looking for taxonomy books. If so, you could try these Downwards Arrow



SimSportPlyr Author
7 years ago
Bioman, thanks very much for the reply.

I took a look at the description of those books.

What I am looking for is more on the level of what a high school biology teacher would provide for his/her students: some basic 'Five Kingdoms' charts, if that phrase makes sense.

I apologize for being vague in my initial post.
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