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Ronyn Ronyn
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7 years ago
Describe the risks associated with low birth weight, and interventions for preterm infants.
Exploring Lifespan Development

Exploring Lifespan Development

Edition: 3rd
Read 114 times
3 Replies
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Posts: 240
7 years ago
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7 years ago
There are two types of low-birth-weight babies±preterm and small-for-date. Preterm infants are infants born several weeks or more before their due date. Small-for-date infants are below their expected weight when length of the pregnancy is taken into account. Compared with preterm babies, whose weight is appropriate for the amount of time spent in the uterus, small-for-date infants are more likely to develop poorly. During the first year, they are more likely to die, catch infections, and show evidence of brain damage. By middle childhood, they have lower intelligence test scores, are less attentive, achieve more poorly in school, and are socially immature.

One type of intervention is providing special stimulation in the intensive care nursery. Some examples include rocking in suspended hammocks; exposure to attractive mobiles; recordings of a heartbeat, soft music, or the mother's voice; and infant massage. Kangaroo care, where the baby spends time lying vertically against the mother's or father's chest, provides benefits for the infant and also helps parents feel more confident about caring for their fragile baby.  Other interventions teach parents about the preterm infant's characteristics and promote caregiving skills.
Ronyn Author
7 years ago
I took a break from the topic after I posted this because I felt no one would be able to tackle it. Thanks so much for proving me wrong lol
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