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Lexie Lexie
Posts: 39
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10 years ago
1. Recombinant DNA is transferred into a bacterial cell.

2. A specific gene is identified in a DNA sequence.

3. The DNA fragment is recombined into a vector.

4. The DNA fragment to be inserted is isolated.

 I am not sure what order these go in.
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10 years ago
2. A specific gene is identified in a DNA sequence.  This would be the gene that you want to insert into the bacterial cell.  A common gene used in entry level biology courses is the gene that encodes for the green fluorescent protein.

4. The DNA fragment to be inserted is isolated.  The fragment has to be isolated in some way in order to be able to insert it into the plasmid vector.  The best way is to use a restriction enzyme.

3. The DNA fragment is recombined into a vector.  The vector (usually a plasmid, but not always) is the key component in the transformation process.  It usually includes a gene for antibiotic resistance, that allows for easy isolation of the transformed cells.

1. Recombinant DNA is transferred into a bacterial cell.  The bacterial cell is made competent, and it is able to "pick up" the vector used.
10 years ago
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