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Chemistry average atomic mass
Chemistry average atomic mass
Comparing the isotope data you collected for Part 1 and Part 2, what conclusion can you make about percent abundance in nature (from part 1) and percent composition
General Biology   Uzoamaka Wachuku   60   Asked A week ago
The ads for FreshFruits Market cite a greater choice of organic food and produce when compared to T
The ads for FreshFruits Market cite a greater choice of organic food and produce when compared to T
The ads for FreshFruits Market cite a greater choice of organic food and produce when compared to TraderNick's stores.

This strategy is an example of:

A) Positioning by competitor
B) Positioning by product user
C) Positioning by product class
D) Positioning by use or application
E) Positioning by price/quality
F) Positioning by att
General Biology   Marketing Whiz   89   Asked A year ago
In its ads, Toys & More claims to be the preferred store for parents shopping for kids ages ...
In its ads, Toys & More claims to be the preferred store for parents shopping for kids ages ...
In its ads, Toys & More claims to be the preferred store for parents shopping for kids ages 1-15.

This strategy is an example of:

A) Positioning by competitor
B) Positioning by product user
C) Positioning by product class
D) Positioning by use or application
E) Positioning by price/quality
F) Positioning by attributes/benefits
General Biology   Marketing Whiz   103   Asked A year ago
Pax Anti-Itch Shampoo advertises itself as a superior shampoo for itchy and flaky scalps. This str
Pax Anti-Itch Shampoo advertises itself as a superior shampoo for itchy and flaky scalps. This str
Pax Anti-Itch Shampoo advertises itself as a superior shampoo for itchy and flaky scalps.

This strategy is an example of:

A) Positioning by competitor
B) Positioning by product user
C) Positioning by product class
D) Positioning by use or application
E) Positioning by price/quality
F) Positioning by attributes/benefits

General Biology   Marketing Whiz   103   Asked A year ago
I am looking for a website that has the full taxonomy of all organisms
I am looking for a website that has the full taxonomy of all organisms
I need to be able to see the names from Domain down to species for any organism that I am researching.
General Biology   Frank Fletcher   122   Asked 2 years ago
Solve 6x^4-10x^3-11x^2+13x+2
Solve 6x^4-10x^3-11x^2+13x+2

General Biology   bio_man   129   Asked A year ago
Methods for increasing the capabilities of the body of students
Methods for increasing the capabilities of the body of students
Hello everyone guys!
    I have a dissertation defense soon and my topic is "Research of methods for improving the cognitive and functional capabilities of the body of students". Do you know any methods for improving cognitive abilities? Thank you in advance!
General Biology   Methods   140   Asked 2 years ago
Trophic Levels in a Food Web
Trophic Levels in a Food Web
For the food web attached below, R. Montezuma and B. bakeri occupy more than 1 tropic level. I think they are both primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers, since the phytoplankton, epiphytes, and T. salva would be considered producers.

The solution states they are both secondary, tertiary, and quaternary consumers. Could anyone explain why?

General Biology   i_love_biology   158   Asked 2 years ago
Obligate aerobe, role of organisms, population theory
Obligate aerobe, role of organisms, population theory
Nitrogen is an important element in DNA and proteins; however, atmospheric nitrogen is the only source of this element for life on Earth and it cannot be absorbed by eukaryotes. As a result, nitrogen‐ fixing bacteria species,
such as Rhizobia, live in a mutualistic relationship with plants like legumes. These species of bacteria are obligate aerobes.
a. Explain what is mea
General Biology   mjcurry   162   Asked 8 years ago
Describe how blockage in the bile duct would cause the formation of pale-colored faces
Describe how blockage in the bile duct would cause the formation of pale-colored faces
Could it be related to the excretion of bile pigments which some how in some extreme cases that would reduce the RBC in your blood causing pale-colored faces?
General Biology   Tobes   169   Asked 3 years ago
Looking at your graph for Concentration of NO3 and SO4 versus Total Acidity
Looking at your graph for Concentration of NO3 and SO4 versus Total Acidity
Looking at your graph for Concentration of NO3 and SO4 versus Total Acidity of Rainfall, describe the relationship that exists between the variables.  How does the total acidity of rainfall change as the concentrations of these substances change?  Is this a direct variation, an inverse variation, or is there no relationship?
General Biology   biochicka   176   Asked 8 years ago
Standard curve and human substances
Standard curve and human substances
which substances found in human samples are quantified using a standard curve?
General Biology   fiona12345   208   Asked 8 years ago
Concentration of oxygen's effect on diffusion.
Concentration of oxygen's effect on diffusion.
How does the concentration of oxygen in different regions of the body affect its affinity and rate of diffusion in regards to binding to hemoglobin, or disassociating from hemoglobin?
General Biology   Fender001   219   Asked 7 years ago
Identifying the unknown blood type? Pls help!
Identifying the unknown blood type? Pls help!
I attempted this question twice but I only got 2 right, and my teacher does not give the correct answers, please help!

A student is given eight red blood cell suspensions, which contain only red blood cells, and the serum from each sample.  Serum is blood plasma in which fibrinogen has been removed.

She is asked to identify each of the four blood ty
General Biology   bio_helper   231   Asked 8 years ago
Homeotic Gene Expression
Homeotic Gene Expression

         Homeotic genes are genes that regulate the development of anatomical structures in various
organisms such as insects, mammals, and plants. Explain what makes homeotic genes to be particularly helpful in mapping a human genome. Using a birth and death of genes paradigm, explain how one copy of an ancestral homeotic gene can give rise to m
General Biology   dildreamz   235   Asked 8 years ago
nervous system
nervous system
Create a flow chart of the peripheral nervous system in order to organize this section.  Be sure to include all subdivisions, a brief definition (of each), and at least 3 effects (each) of the sympathetic/parasympathetic divisions.
General Biology   michellebelle   238   Asked 10 years ago
The conventional view that all tastes are encoded by various combinations of activity in five ...
The conventional view that all tastes are encoded by various combinations of activity in five ...
No receptors have been discovered for salty and sour.

Evidence suggests that there may be more than five primary tastes.

Many tastes cannot be created from combinations of five current primaries

Thirty receptors have been discovered for bitter.
General Biology   Coffeelover1   246   Asked 7 years ago
Difference between bioinformatics, computational biology,biological computation?
Difference between bioinformatics, computational biology,biological computation?

I'm still trying to figure out how to define in layman's terms the true difference between bioinformatics, computational biology and biological computation? Bioinformatics seems to be, from what I have gathered, in simplest terms, is the creation of computer programs/computer algorithms to gather and analyze lots of biological data so humans don't ha
General Biology   licarush   248   Asked 8 years ago
Mikes watches the news and sees stories about inner –city black black adolescen
Mikes watches the news and sees stories about inner –city black black adolescen
Mikes  watches the news and sees stories about inner –city black black adolescents delinquency problems . he thinks that blacks are the cause of social problems in the united states . this attitude exemplifies?
External prejudice
Overt racism
Institutional racism
The subtletly of racism
General Biology   mjvictor13   249   Asked 8 years ago
science fact
science fact
Did you know that there are 206 bones in the adult human body and there are 300 in children (as they grow some of the bones fuse together).
General Biology   biofo   257   Asked 10 years ago
A scientific article about ashma exacerbation (confused)
A scientific article about ashma exacerbation (confused)
hello , i have to do a presentation for a scientific article talking about the importance of viral and bacterial infection Associated with Adult Asthma Exacerbations in Clinical Practice. in the experience they took 50 ashma exacerbation inpatients and  20 stable asthmatic patients  .
the 20 stable ashma patients are without any asthmatic attack in previous one year &
General Biology   lara fabianez   262   Asked 8 years ago
What is a Possible Explanation for a Natural event Know as?
General Biology   singer   263   Asked 9 years ago
Trait question and calculations!
Trait question and calculations!
In shorthorn cattle, coat colour may be red, white, or roan. Crosses between a red bull and a white cow produce only roan offspring.
The alleles for coat colour in shorthorn cattle demonstrate

a. codominance
b. crossing over
c. sex-linkage
d. nondisjunction

If a roan shorthorn is crossed with a white-coated shorthorn, what is the probabi
General Biology   ILoveBIO30   265   Asked 8 years ago
What happens between decibel and human insulin?
What happens between decibel and human insulin?
Why are people afraid of Human Insulin War?

The unified network of DNA profile and or genotype to a targeted population of human insulin is compromised by the conspiracy to invade the nitrogenous base of a specified pH scale in order to overthrow the permeable substrate of isotonic homology to a specified sensitivity zone of genome code.

To overthrow the genome
General Biology   bartin   265   Asked 8 years ago
For each (sodium chloride and aluminium chloride)discuss the number of electron?
For each (sodium chloride and aluminium chloride)discuss the number of electron?
elctrons lost or gained between the atoms to form the ions?
Just having trouble understanding this question  Undecided
General Biology   mfh010   271   Asked 8 years ago
Can hallucinations create experiences we have in our dreams?
Can hallucinations create experiences we have in our dreams?
During hallucinations, you can experience certain experiences and mental states you had in the past.  These experiences and mental states can be brought back to you during a hallucination.  But can this also include the altered and strange mental states we experience in our dreams and nightmares?

In nightmares, for example, you are able to experience these compl
General Biology   MattMVS7   289   Asked 8 years ago
Animal slaughtering, Stunning or not?
Animal slaughtering, Stunning or not?
The slaughter of animals has been the subject of much debate. The main question revolves around, Is it better to stun the animal before slaughtering it or not ?

Many researchers say yes, animals should be stunned and many also, say no, animals should not be stunned.

The dimension on which their proposition is founded is pain, Those who say yes, say so because t
General Biology   bakenoor   296   Asked 8 years ago
Choosing Classroom Microscopes - Your advice, opinions
Choosing Classroom Microscopes - Your advice, opinions
Hello, I've been asked to recommend what brand and model microscopes we should get to replace a number of our old and tired scopes (SF Bay Area High School). I am relatively new to the profession. My current thinking is:

  • Monocular compound with 4 10 40 and possibly 100X
  • Good quality (The Leica DM100 seems very expensive at $470, but do y
General Biology   Mark50001   296   Asked 8 years ago
Action Potential Questions
Action Potential Questions
Question is attached within this post.

My Answers:

A. No

B. No, Spatial Summation

C. 0 mV since they will cancel out, Temporal Summation
General Biology   student93   297   Asked 10 years ago
Fungal life cycles
Fungal life cycles
Lichens come in three different growth forms. Some mycologists think that lichens have evolved more than once. If true, perhaps each of the three growth forms if lichen represent and independent evolution of a lichen symbiosis. How would you investigate this question?
General Biology   beardy   297   Asked 10 years ago
Discrete biological data ??
Discrete biological data ??

Hi everyone... could anyone give me ideas of discrete data sets that are biological in nature???
General Biology   nada93   303   Asked 9 years ago
I am an enzyme. Without me, DNA Pol cannot work. However, the cruel RNA Pol does my activity itself. ...
I am an enzyme. Without me, DNA Pol cannot work. However, the cruel RNA Pol does my activity itself. ...
I am an enzyme. Without me, DNA Pol cannot work. However, the cruel RNA Pol does my activity itself. Who am I?
General Biology   shankram   309   Asked 7 years ago
Fungal evolution
Fungal evolution
Place the following characters on a phylogeny of fungi (with animals as an outgroup), Flagella, Dikaryotic hyphae, Septa, Multicellularity, Non-motile sperm, Arbuscular mycorrhizae, Macroscopic reproductive structures
General Biology   beardy   312   Asked 10 years ago
Anyone good at mutations?
Anyone good at mutations?
Need Help with the mutations of these flies
General Biology   hunter4565   320   Asked 10 years ago
Explain how ATP facilitates biological reactions
Explain how ATP facilitates biological reactions
Explain how ATP facilitates biological reactions
Post Merge: 11 years ago

ATP is cell’s energy shuttle.  Hydrolysis at its terminal phosphate group produces ADP and phosphate and releases free energy. ATP is a nucleotide (adenosine) that has three attached phosphate groups instead of one. Hydrolysis of ATP (the combination of ATP
General Biology   bonya   323   Asked 11 years ago
It is often proposed that a feature that is advantageous to individual organisms is the reason for the great number of species in certain clades. For example, wings have been postulated to be a cause of the great diversity of winged insects compared with the few species of primitively wingless insects. How could an individually advantageous feature cause greater species diversity? H
General Biology   bioph12   325   Asked 10 years ago
Why should you learn about the connections between biodiversity, energy flow....
Why should you learn about the connections between biodiversity, energy flow....
I have studied the entire unit of "Energy Flow & Cycling of Matter" for biology, but am a little stumped on this question.. Face with Cold Sweat Face with Cold Sweat

Why should you learn about the connections between biodiversity, energy flow, biomagnification, and the cycling of matter?

How exactly are these all these things connected?
General Biology   SpiritWolf   331   Asked 8 years ago
Complex Population Questions with calculations
Complex Population Questions with calculations
The M and N factors are glycoproteins that are found on the surface of red blood cells. Unlike other types of red blood cell antigens, the M and N factors do not cause antibody reactions in human blood transfusions. People with type M blood are homozygous for the M allele, and people with type N blood are homozygous for the N allele. Heterozygous individuals have type MN blood. In a
General Biology   ILoveBIO30   333   Asked 8 years ago
How to calculate PAR and aPAR from reflected + incoming radiance
How to calculate PAR and aPAR from reflected + incoming radiance
Hi all,
i hope i'm correct with my question in this section.
I have measured the reflected radiance of a plant and the incoming radiance with a point spectrometer from 300 to 700 nm in 1nm increments. How can i calculate photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR) from these?
sorry i'm new to all
General Biology   darellon   334   Asked 8 years ago
Lumen and Malpighian tublues in Arthropoda that both same?
Lumen and Malpighian tublues in Arthropoda that both same?
Lumen and Malpighian tublues in Arthropoda that both same?
General Biology   Bank Physics   341   Asked 8 years ago
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