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written summary of some aspects of the story is given to students ahead of time; pre-questions and ...
written summary of some aspects of the story is given to students ahead of time; pre-questions and ...
 written summary of some aspects of the story is given to students ahead of time; pre-questions and listed vocabulary are discussed; the summary is read orally by the teacher; a written list of characters is placed on the chalkboard -- then, students read the entire story silently.


Is it Request procedure

using effective asking behaviors
Education Studies   jjs148   290   Asked 7 years ago
A parent asks if she could assist you in the classroom for one afternoon per week. What steps would ...
A parent asks if she could assist you in the classroom for one afternoon per week. What steps would ...
A parent asks if she could assist you in the classroom for one afternoon per week. What steps would you take to ensure that the participation is productive and not distracting?
Education Studies   ellie425   173   Asked 2 years ago
A small portion of a story is read; students ask as many questions as they can think
A small portion of a story is read; students ask as many questions as they can think
A small portion of a story is read; students ask as many questions as they can think of about this portion and the teacher answers the questions. The teacher then asks as many questions as s/he can think of about that portion and students answer. The same procedures are followed for subsequent small portions of the text.

Is it

Is it Request procedure
Education Studies   jjs148   175   Asked 7 years ago
A teaching colleague of yours is unsure of how to conduct the fall parent-teacher conferences. What ...
A teaching colleague of yours is unsure of how to conduct the fall parent-teacher conferences. What ...
A teaching colleague of yours is unsure of how to conduct the fall parent-teacher conferences. What advice would you give her?
Education Studies   Nikolas   203   Asked 2 years ago
Almost all families in the U.S. today have access to TV and the internet. Discuss some positive ways ...
Almost all families in the U.S. today have access to TV and the internet. Discuss some positive ways ...
Almost all families in the U.S. today have access to TV and the internet.  Discuss some positive ways parents can make use of these media outlets to enhance a child's learning.
Education Studies   imomo   150   Asked 2 years ago
Based on what you read in Chapter 11, what would you think this teacher is attempting to do when he ...
Based on what you read in Chapter 11, what would you think this teacher is attempting to do when he ...
Based on what you read in Chapter 11, what would you think this teacher is attempting to do when he does the following?  Mr. Winchester reads the first paragraph of a story to students. Prior to beginning they are asked to close their eyes and try to see a picture of what they hear him read. Afterward, their “pictures” are discussed. Mr. Winchester and the students proceed thro
Education Studies   jjs148   121   Asked 7 years ago
Before a lesson with students, the teacher writes questions to ask them based on: (1) characters, ...
Before a lesson with students, the teacher writes questions to ask them based on: (1) characters, ...
Before a lesson with students, the teacher writes questions to ask them based on: (1) characters, (2) settings, (3) the story problem and the goal to resolve it, (4) events to solve the problem, and (5) achievement of the goal.


Is it Request procedure

using effective asking behaviors

listening activities to practice complex skills
Education Studies   jjs148   155   Asked 7 years ago
Collaborations can differ in structure and even purpose, but all have certain elements in common. ...
Collaborations can differ in structure and even purpose, but all have certain elements in common. ...
Collaborations can differ in structure and even purpose, but all have certain elements in common. List the four major elements we would normally find.
Education Studies   sanimkyei   220   Asked 2 years ago
Compare and contrast deductive versus inductive models of curriculum. Give examples of each.
Compare and contrast deductive versus inductive models of curriculum. Give examples of each.
Compare and contrast deductive versus inductive models of curriculum. Give examples of each.
Education Studies   adegob   109   Asked 2 years ago
Compare and contrast the linguistic codes that Bernstein categorized as a restricted language code ...
Compare and contrast the linguistic codes that Bernstein categorized as a restricted language code ...
Compare and contrast the linguistic codes that Bernstein categorized as a restricted language code and an elaborated language code and how children raised with each code can be expected to adjust to the school environment.
Education Studies   triciababy1   68   Asked 2 years ago
Define empirical data, descriptive research, action research, historical research, experimental ...
Define empirical data, descriptive research, action research, historical research, experimental ...
Define empirical data, descriptive research, action research, historical research, experimental research, and dynamic hypotheses.
Education Studies   psantiago   178   Asked 2 years ago
Define the four categories of child maltreatment and discuss one sign or signal in each category ...
Define the four categories of child maltreatment and discuss one sign or signal in each category ...
Define the four categories of child maltreatment and discuss one sign or signal in each category that an abused child is likely to display.
Education Studies   ticktrader   132   Asked 2 years ago
Define the IDEA and the principles that undergird special education reform.
Define the IDEA and the principles that undergird special education reform.
Define the IDEA and the principles that undergird special education reform.
Education Studies   villain   84   Asked 2 years ago
Describe a kindergarten and a Head Start class you have visited. Then discuss the educational and ...
Describe a kindergarten and a Head Start class you have visited. Then discuss the educational and ...
Describe a kindergarten and a Head Start class you have visited.  Then discuss the educational and the political goals that were factors in the development of these new educational arrangements to help children.
Education Studies   NNF1024   69   Asked 2 years ago
Describe how a child could actually find himself/herself in three different family groups over a ...
Describe how a child could actually find himself/herself in three different family groups over a ...
Describe how a child could actually find himself/herself in three different family groups over a five year period?
Education Studies   kmonette   64   Asked 2 years ago
Describe how a general education teacher would prepare her class for the arrival of a child with ...
Describe how a general education teacher would prepare her class for the arrival of a child with ...
Describe how a general education teacher would prepare her class for the arrival of a child with disabilities who will be fully included in the class and how the new child will be welcomed into the group.
Education Studies   Nursesn   99   Asked 2 years ago
Describe how parental interaction styles and the space in which children are raised can affect a ...
Describe how parental interaction styles and the space in which children are raised can affect a ...
Describe how parental interaction styles and the space in which children are raised can affect a child's experience at school.
Education Studies   mrtrombley92   140   Asked 2 years ago
Describe the Scaffolded Instruction Model and how it is used to ensure student mastery of standards.
Describe the Scaffolded Instruction Model and how it is used to ensure student mastery of standards.
Describe the Scaffolded Instruction Model and how it is used to ensure student mastery of standards.
Education Studies   Ptrip88   129   Asked 2 years ago
Describe the specific challenges that a temporarily homeless family of four could find in arranging ...
Describe the specific challenges that a temporarily homeless family of four could find in arranging ...
Describe the specific challenges that a temporarily homeless family of four could find in arranging schooling for their 2nd and 3rd graders.
Education Studies   rosenrot   77   Asked 2 years ago
Describe three specific ways in which play contributes to further development
Describe three specific ways in which play contributes to further development
Describe three specific ways in which play contributes to further development (use ideas from this course, the textbook, or educational videos from class)
Education Studies   monali7256   170   Asked 6 years ago
Describe three strategies that a school could use to become a more welcoming environment for parents.
Describe three strategies that a school could use to become a more welcoming environment for parents.
Describe three strategies that a school could use to become a more welcoming environment for parents.
Education Studies   Noar   174   Asked 2 years ago
Describe two differences we would find in the way Euro-American and Hispanic families handle ...
Describe two differences we would find in the way Euro-American and Hispanic families handle ...
Describe two differences we would find in the way Euro-American and Hispanic families handle sleeping arrangements and evening play time with their children.
Education Studies   bluewiss   67   Asked 2 years ago
Describe what types of materials school-age children need in order to foster their learning. Provide ...
Describe what types of materials school-age children need in order to foster their learning. Provide ...
Describe what types of materials school-age children need in order to foster their learning. Provide examples of three of these materials.
Education Studies   Merlin891   152   Asked 2 years ago
Develop a listing of three possible danger spots in the typical child care center and give ways that ...
Develop a listing of three possible danger spots in the typical child care center and give ways that ...
Develop a listing of three possible danger spots in the typical child care center and give ways that a teacher or care worker will minimize child injuries in these spots.
Education Studies   tacobeo   124   Asked 2 years ago
Discuss some of the factors you would keep in mind when working with families raising children with ...
Discuss some of the factors you would keep in mind when working with families raising children with ...
Discuss some of the factors you would keep in mind when working with families raising children with disabilities.  What would be similar to working with all families and what might be different?
Education Studies   RichaDuggi13   97   Asked 2 years ago
Discuss the continuum of special education services available for a child with a disability. What ...
Discuss the continuum of special education services available for a child with a disability. What ...
Discuss the continuum of special education services available for a child with a disability.  What are the benefits and drawbacks of the full-inclusion option of the continuum?
Education Studies   mitch44   126   Asked 2 years ago
Discuss the issue of inadequate compensation for those who work in child care and how this impacts ...
Discuss the issue of inadequate compensation for those who work in child care and how this impacts ...
Discuss the issue of inadequate compensation for those who work in child care and how this impacts the quality of care for children.
Education Studies   thatguy67   74   Asked 2 years ago
Discuss the three types of bullying found in schools and offer a strategy for decreasing the problem ...
Discuss the three types of bullying found in schools and offer a strategy for decreasing the problem ...
Discuss the three types of bullying found in schools and offer a strategy for decreasing the problem that each type would have on children.
Education Studies   lovepink1122   138   Asked 2 years ago
Discuss the value of a bulletin board featuring family photos of all children in your 2ndgrade class.
Discuss the value of a bulletin board featuring family photos of all children in your 2ndgrade class.
Discuss the value of a bulletin board featuring family photos of all children in your 2nd grade class.
Education Studies   exteesy07   71   Asked 2 years ago
Discuss the value that young children would derive from an activity on the man-made structures in ...
Discuss the value that young children would derive from an activity on the man-made structures in ...
Discuss the value that young children would derive from an activity on the man-made structures in (a) child's village; (b) in a farm area; (c) in an urban block.
Education Studies   tootsiebrowny   149   Asked 2 years ago
Discuss three advantages for teachers when they support, value and interact with different family ...
Discuss three advantages for teachers when they support, value and interact with different family ...
Discuss three advantages for teachers when they support, value and interact with different family groups in their school.
Education Studies   HoracioMo   71   Asked 2 years ago
Discuss three educationally valuable things that an 8 year old child could be doing instead of ...
Discuss three educationally valuable things that an 8 year old child could be doing instead of ...
Discuss three educationally valuable things that an 8 year old child could be doing instead of working with screen technology.
Education Studies   brettlaw   160   Asked 2 years ago
Discuss why it is important for regular classroom teachers to know about child care options in their ...
Discuss why it is important for regular classroom teachers to know about child care options in their ...
Discuss why it is important for regular classroom teachers to know about child care options in their community and the indicators of quality programs.
Education Studies   johnnyappleseed   85   Asked 2 years ago
Do you believe that instructional objectives should be stated behaviorally? Defend your position.
Do you believe that instructional objectives should be stated behaviorally? Defend your position.
Do you believe that instructional objectives should be stated behaviorally? Defend your position.
Education Studies   aawais   166   Asked 2 years ago
Do you believe that it is the school's mission to promote affective objectives? Defend your position.
Do you believe that it is the school's mission to promote affective objectives? Defend your position.
Do you believe that it is the school's mission to promote affective objectives? Defend your position.
Education Studies   kh2ofasdf   139   Asked 2 years ago
Explain active listening and give two features of this type of listening.
Explain active listening and give two features of this type of listening.
Explain active listening and give two features of this type of listening.
Education Studies   cheesyboots   175   Asked 2 years ago
Explain how a community could get into a situation where its partnership schools got embroiled in a ...
Explain how a community could get into a situation where its partnership schools got embroiled in a ...
Explain how a community could get into a situation where its partnership schools got embroiled in a dispute over "who is in charge."
Education Studies   yosie   212   Asked 2 years ago
Explain the difference between verbal communication and non-verbal communication. Give two examples ...
Explain the difference between verbal communication and non-verbal communication. Give two examples ...
Explain the difference between verbal communication and non-verbal communication.  Give two examples of each type.
Education Studies   MasterPriapis   180   Asked 2 years ago
Explain the differences between process and structural elements in a child-care setting and how ...
Explain the differences between process and structural elements in a child-care setting and how ...
Explain the differences between process and structural elements in a child-care setting and how these elements contribute to quality.
Education Studies   JohnCena494   106   Asked 2 years ago
Explain the five steps for creating games with children.
Explain the five steps for creating games with children.
Explain the five steps for creating games with children.
Education Studies   johndoris   146   Asked 2 years ago
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