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Have CMRJ300, SCMT370, SCMT397, SCMT371, SCMT390
Have CMRJ300, SCMT370, SCMT397, SCMT371, SCMT390
I have all the course work (forum questions / post, midterm/ finals, papers, and class projects, syllabus) to CMRJ300, SCMT370,SCMT397, SCMT371.

Willing to trade for SCMT101, SCMT379, SCMT374, SCMT373, HLSS311

Not selling. Will help people out, but i am looking  for the above classes
Other   steveohsupremo   890   Asked 8 years ago
How to determinate the activity of peroxidase (HPR) in hemolymph of garden snail
How to determinate the activity of peroxidase (HPR) in hemolymph of garden snail
How to determinate the activity of peroxidase (HPR) in hemolymph of garden snail (Helix pomatia) ?

Biochemistry   egzon123   1834   Asked 8 years ago
Identify the genotypes of all the people shown in the pedigree.
Identify the genotypes of all the people shown in the pedigree.
Complete Practice problem 18 on page 615 of the textbook. Identify the genotypes of all the people shown in the pedigree. Of whose genotypes can you not be certain? Straight thumb (S)> hitchhiker thumb (s).

Question and chart are attached.

i know this has been answered before i just did not understand the formatting. PLZ HELP ME.
High School Level Science   lin-lin17   2325   Asked 8 years ago
F1 versus F2 generation confusion (Genetics)
F1 versus F2 generation confusion (Genetics)
I am in serious need of correction or confirmation please! I am going to throw out some random facts and please let me know if I am accurate or not. Thanks for helping!

F1 hybrid can only be created by using two separate parents from inbred lines or P1. F1 are uniform, showing a new phenotype without variation. Not even once in a while will you see a second phenotype show
Genetics and Developmental Biology   Howlinghawk   3567   Asked 8 years ago
Few questions on hybrids and genetics
Few questions on hybrids and genetics
Thank you for reading. So I have a basic understanding of Mendel's works, but I am trying to figure genetics out better. Please if you could help, because I can't find the data anywhere on the internet on these questions.

If you take an F1 hybrid and cross it to a p1 (seperate from the hybrid's two different parent types) would you get a new F1 hybrid, or F
Genetics and Developmental Biology   Howlinghawk   3360   Asked 8 years ago
How many luciferase producing vibrio harveyi it takes to replace a lightbulb
How many luciferase producing vibrio harveyi it takes to replace a lightbulb
hello, for a 5 min. presentation i would like to perform a calculation answering the theoretical question "how many luciferase producing vibrio harveyi it takes to replace a lightbulb"

it is considered a 60W indecidence light bulb produce aproximatly 800 lumens.

i would need help in obtaining some sources, such as how much light (measured by candle o
General Biology   bioweizmann   1543   Asked 8 years ago
If water entered a pig's nares, which opening in the oral cavity would it exit
If water entered a pig's nares, which opening in the oral cavity would it exit
If water entered a pig's nares, which opening in the oral cavity would it exit through.

Thanks for the help!
Anatomy and Physiology   Marc_Ase   3001   Asked 8 years ago
Plasmid expresses truncated protein but original mutant gene doesn't. Explain?
Plasmid expresses truncated protein but original mutant gene doesn't. Explain?
A mutant mammalian gene has a premature stop codon but a Western blot detects no truncated protein. A plasmid is cloned from the wild-type gene and the mutant gene's premature stop codon is inserted at the same position. After transfecting the mutant plasmid into the mutant gene, the Western blot now detects the truncated protein.  Why?

Zero ideas...
Biochemistry   DLS   1244   Asked 8 years ago
Please be sure to provide specific examples in your response.
Please be sure to provide specific examples in your response.
The United Nations is an international organization that promotes the idea of using diplomacy as a means of preventing war. Investigate the role of diplomacy in maintaining peace between nations. What actions might a diplomat take to encourage peace? What are some factors that may cause diplomacy to fail? Please be sure to provide specific examples in your response.

Legal Studies   SNOWWHITE79   1732   Asked 8 years ago
Since the end of WWII, international relations have been framed by the conflict between liberal gove
Since the end of WWII, international relations have been framed by the conflict between liberal gove
Since the end of WWII, international relations have been framed by the conflict between liberal governments and communist ideals. Compare and contrast the features of these systems and assess their continued impact on the global community. Please be certain to explain classical and modern liberalism, socialism, and communism within your responses and provide examples to support your
Legal Studies   SNOWWHITE79   1390   Asked 8 years ago
Under the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP)...
Under the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP)...
Under the Small Business Options Program (SHOP) provision of the health care plan, a small firm's employees would be pooled with the employees of other small firms. When an insurance plan covers a large number of people.
A) moral hazard is reduced
B) adverse selection problems are reduced
C) asymmetric information issues are eliminated
D) negative externalit
Economics   zellyen   866   Asked 8 years ago
Under what, if any, federal statute can the plant manger be prosecuted? Under wh
Under what, if any, federal statute can the plant manger be prosecuted? Under wh
Two boys died of asphyxiation (not able to breathe) after playing in a dumpster in which a toxic solvent was disposed of improperly.  The solvent was placed in the dumpster by workers at a nearby industrial plant.  Under what, if any, federal statute can the plant manger be prosecuted? Under what, if any, state statute can the plant manger be prosecuted?
Sociology   jdevinney23   909   Asked 8 years ago
[Urgent] How do biologists apply the scientific method to a problem?
[Urgent] How do biologists apply the scientific method to a problem?
For my  biology class I am making a 5 minute presentation on how a researcher approaches a problem related to biology and uses the scientific method to reach a solution.  I have been trying for weeks now on several forums but no one has answered.  You would be doing a HUGE favor if you can answer these few questions.  They don't have to be that long (I'
General Biology   Galactiknight   1514   Asked 8 years ago
What does it mean by induced/uninduced cultures?
What does it mean by induced/uninduced cultures?
When growing recombinant proteins I used a uninduced control culture and a auto induction medium in my production culture.

what does it mean by induced/uninduced
Upper-Year Courses   GCUQMU   1321   Asked 8 years ago
Central Nervous System Questions
Central Nervous System Questions
Note: I am from Greece and I had to translate those questions below. It's not perfectly translated, so if you don't understand something, please ask me.

Is this sentence True or False?

Τhe expression of fear, in the face of a man, is a reaction of the body that can be modified with the process of learning.

Based on the informati
General Biology   Coto   1591   Asked 8 years ago
Which of the following numerical measures would be most likely to produce invali
Which of the following numerical measures would be most likely to produce invali
All of the following need to be considered in the clinical decision-making model of EBP EXC
Nursing and Clinical   dieula26   1486   Asked 8 years ago
A maritime Polar (mP) air mass is ________.
A maritime Polar (mP) air mass is ________.
A maritime Polar (mP) air mass is ________.
A) warm and dry
B) warm and humid
C) cold and humid
D) cold and dry
Geography and Earth Sciences   drelog   430   Asked 8 years ago
Anatomy and Physiology   deidre 123   1959   Asked 8 years ago
It is estimated that about 75% of suspects routinely waive their Miranda rights
It is estimated that about 75% of suspects routinely waive their Miranda rights
 It is estimated that about 75% of suspects routinely waive their Miranda rights and talk to the police.1  Given that, discuss the impact of the Berghuis decision on law enforcement
Legal Studies   ebinilucas   1028   Asked 8 years ago
A solution is made containing 8.50 g CH3OH (density = 0.791 g/mL) in
A solution is made containing 8.50 g CH3OH (density = 0.791 g/mL) in
2)   A solution is made containing 8.50 g CH3OH (density = 0.791 g/mL) in                                250 g H2O (density = 1.00 g/mL).  Calculate:

Chemistry   aholmes   1871   Asked 8 years ago
Calculate the ΔG'° and K'eq
Calculate the ΔG'° and K'eq
Fructose-6-phosphate + ATP  fructose-1,6-bisphosphate + ADP
Given the following data, calculate the ΔG'° and K'eq for the reaction. Show all mathematical work & indicate proper units.
R = 8.315 J/mol·K, T = 25°C,

ATP Rightwards Arrow ADP + Pi [ΔG'° = -30.5 kJ/mol]

Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate Rightwards Arrow Fructose 6-phosphate + Pi [ΔG'° = -16.0
Biochemistry   wallrats   1561   Asked 8 years ago
Who suggested the topcic of middleman minorities
Who suggested the topcic of middleman minorities
who suggested the model of middleman minorities
Sociology   dogs4anna   767   Asked 8 years ago
Social problems in the United States, such as poverty and gender inequality, are
Social problems in the United States, such as poverty and gender inequality, are
Social problems in the United States, such as poverty and gender inequality, are

less serious in poorer countries.
more serious in poorer countries.
equally serious in poorer countries.
unheard of in poorer countries
Sociology   Dmcarter   1526   Asked 8 years ago
Part A - Deducing phenotypes and genotypes of selfed parents
Part A - Deducing phenotypes and genotypes of selfed parents
Part A - Deducing phenotypes and genotypes of selfed parents

Mendel studied pea plants dihybrid for seed shape (round versus wrinkled) and seed color (yellow versus green). Recall that

•the round allele (R) is dominant to the wrinkled allele (r) and
•the yellow allele (Y) is dominant to the green allele (y).

The table below shows the F1 progeny
General Biology   ilikedonuts07   1569   Asked 8 years ago
Cognitive influences affect which level of analysis
Cognitive influences affect which level of analysis
Psychophysical or pshyological
Other   boots3   648   Asked 8 years ago
Psyc 304 perception, it's a request I don't know how to do that.
Psyc 304 perception, it's a request I don't know how to do that.
I need amu psyc 304 quizzes, mid term and /or final.
Other   boots3   513   Asked 8 years ago
How does the rate of an E2 Elimination reaction affected by the ff. conditions?
How does the rate of an E2 Elimination reaction affected by the ff. conditions?
1. Reactant Structure: bromocyclohexane, chlorocyclohexane, iodocyclohexane
2. Base Strengths: 1.0 mL sodium ethoxide diluted with 1.0 mL ethanol as opposed to the original which is 2.0 mL sodium ethoxide
3. Temperature: reflux vs room temperature.
*Please provide specific explanations (even a 3 year old will understand) on how each factors affect the
Chemistry   angsthussler100   840   Asked 8 years ago
What is the product of the following reaction?
What is the product of the following reaction?
1. What is the product of the original reaction as shown?
2. If Br is replaced with Cl, what would be the product?
3. If Br is replaced with I, what would be the product?
(Three total answers)
Chemistry   angsthussler100   631   Asked 8 years ago
Effect of anesthesia on skeletal muscle contraction
Effect of anesthesia on skeletal muscle contraction
Similar types of potassium channels are found in skeletal muscle cell (plasma) membranes. Predict the effect of general anesthesia on Kevin's skeletal muscle contraction during surgery.
Anatomy and Physiology   kayla2196   1477   Asked 8 years ago
Congenital Heart Disease Hesi Case Study
Congenital Heart Disease Hesi Case Study
1. Tachypnea
2. Billy never seems to get full even when I breastfeed him
3. Explain that they will need to hold Billy in the prone position
4. Notify the cardiologist
5. Assess the infant’s peripheral pulses
6. Imbalanced nutrition
7. Your son will be able to suck more easily
8. CLC
9. saO2
10. obtain Billy’s apical pulse
11. instruc
Nursing and Clinical   charlie1   5683   Asked 8 years ago
Discussing the factors that shift the labor demand curve. In your answer, be sur
Discussing the factors that shift the labor demand curve. In your answer, be sur
discussing the factors that shift the labor demand curve. In your answer, be sure to describe the effect of each factor.
Economics   trollfam1   710   Asked 8 years ago
Urinary system clinical question
Urinary system clinical question
Koji collapses is in the final leg of a full 26 mile marathon and is rushed to a hospital with acute renal dysfunction. A blood test shows elevated serum potassium levels, lowered serum sodium levels, and a decrease in the GFR. How are these symptoms related to the marathon?
Anatomy and Physiology   aholmes   1131   Asked 8 years ago
psyc303 - [High]
psyc303 - [High]
Course Title / Course Code: psyc303

Textbook: goldstein

School: amu

Price: free

Extra Information: - - -

Other   coco_mosaic   521   Asked 8 years ago
All somatic motor fiber/ neurons from the neck downwards exit from a region of gray matter of the sp
All somatic motor fiber/ neurons from the neck downwards exit from a region of gray matter of the sp
All somatic motor fiber/ neurons from the neck downwards exit from a region of gray matter of the spinal cord called the dorsal horn via the dorsal or posterior root

A) True
B) False
Anatomy and Physiology   lynn28   540   Asked 8 years ago
Many working-class people identify as middle class and therefore vote more conservatively than they
Many working-class people identify as middle class and therefore vote more conservatively than they
Many working-class people identify as middle class and therefore vote more conservatively than they should according to their class.

True or False
Legal Studies   tbreezy   517   Asked 8 years ago
At the presynaptic terminal, the arrival of impulse at the synaptic knobs and prior to the release o
At the presynaptic terminal, the arrival of impulse at the synaptic knobs and prior to the release o
At the presynaptic terminal, the arrival of impulse at the synaptic knobs and prior to the release of neurotransmitter is associated with the influx of which one of the following ions into the presynaptic terminal.

A) Na+
B) Mg+2
C) K+
D) Ca+2
Anatomy and Physiology   lynn28   353   Asked 8 years ago
True or false question on neurons
True or false question on neurons
during the transmission of signal through the spinal nerve plexus, the connection from a sensory neuron to a motor neuron is usually made by one or more neurons known as interneuron or association neuron ?
Anatomy and Physiology   lynn28   220   Asked 8 years ago
True or False is Na and K ion channels located on the presynaptic neuron
True or False is Na and K ion channels located on the presynaptic neuron
true or false during the transmission of signal through the spinal nerve plexus, the connection from a sensory neuron to a motor neuron is usually made by one or more neurons known as interneuron or association neuron ?
Anatomy and Physiology   lynn28   245   Asked 8 years ago
What concerns exist with drones, in terms of both their use and citizen's privac
What concerns exist with drones, in terms of both their use and citizen's privac
What concerns exist with drones, in terms of both their use and citizen's privacy?
Legal Studies   islandgirl58   309   Asked 8 years ago
In what major ways did the recent financial crisis that blanketed this country a
In what major ways did the recent financial crisis that blanketed this country a
In what major ways did the recent financial crisis that blanketed this country affect the police, court and corrections?
Legal Studies   islandgirl58   324   Asked 8 years ago
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