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deuce0231 deuce0231
Posts: 7
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10 years ago
Anyone familiar with creating a use case diagram from a problem statement?  Having some trouble figuring this out. 

1.   Identify, list, and describe all actors and all use cases for the School Board problem statement:
The school board has oversight of the school and wants to track school facilities like the playground, classroom, cafeteria, and restrooms. The playground has swings, monkey bars, and other equipment.
The school board also wants to query the information about the different rooms in the school and their capacity and how many doors there are as well as other equipment. In addition the board wants to be able to check the supplies and equipment in each classroom including computers, desks chairs, rulers, etc. They also would like to know which teacher is assigned to a course, which students register for the course as well as textbook used for the course.

Here is what I'm coming up with but I don't know if I'm on the right track or not.  I don't want to waste a lot of time making up the diagram if what I have here is wrong, especially the use cases part.  I kind of just thought they sounded like things the actors would do or check.
Actors:  School Board Member, Teacher, Maintenance Person, Database Administrator
Use Cases:  Login, Facilities Inventory, Facilities Update, Print Report, Maintenance    Need, Maintenance Update, Supply List, Supply Update, Course List, Course Update,    Roster List, Roster Update, Textbook List, Textbook Update, Classroom Inventory.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Source  Object Oriented Modeling and Design with UML by Michael Blaha
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