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Aliya1 Aliya1
Posts: 351
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5 years ago
#10.Brazil is home to some of the most remote tribes in the world. Many of these people have not had any contact with the outside world. The Yanomami tribe is roughly 19 000 individuals, making it one of the largest tribes in the Brazilian amazon.

Their land mass, which is slightly smaller than Hungary, has provided them with a wealth of resources from the forest to survive in the past. Currently, the tribe is losing land to development for mining and ranching.

The Yanomami are very isolated from other tribes. As a result, individuals form tight family groups who support each other for their whole lives. The Yanomami practise polygamy, where men will have a number of wives during their lifetime. The women in the tribe are only married to one man.

Based on the above information, why do the Yanomami NOT qualify as a Hardy–Weinberg population?
Select one:
a. They are not a closed population and mutations have been found.
b. There is no migration and the population is not large enough.
c. The communities migrate during the seasons and marriages are with more than one individual.
d. Natural selection is apparent and mating is not random.
* image attached for #10

#11.Five conditions are required to maintain the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in a population.

1.Closed population
2.Large population
3.Random mating
4.No net mutations
5.No natural selection

If any of these conditions is not being met, the allele frequencies in the population will change, leading to microevolution in the population.
Match each of the following scenarios to the Hardy–Weinberg condition that is NOT being met:
An increase in antibiotic resistance among bacteria exposed to antibiotics occurs.
Caribou from one herd move to a new area and breed with caribou of a completely different herd.
Among eastern bluebirds, more brightly coloured males breed with more brightly coloured females. 
Due to overhunting, there is little genetic diversity in the current population of bearded vultures, which have all descended from a population of only 36 birds. 

#12.Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Select one:
a. The dominant allele is always the most common allele in the gene pool.
b. Random mating occurs when individuals pair by chance.
c. Genetic drift is more likely to occur in a small population.
d. Evolution can be detected by noting a deviation from a Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium of allele frequencies in the gene pool of a population.

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Aliya1 Author
5 years ago
hi, thank you so much Wink Face i had the same answers as you
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Wow thank you so much!
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