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Anonymous samantacastillo
A year ago
1) Which of the following statements correctly describes a Y-linked trait?

a.  It can be inherited by a daughter from her father.

b. It will always be expressed if present in male individuals. 

c.  It will always be expressed if present in female individuals. 

d. It can be inherited by a son from his mother.

2) Drosophila melanogaster is a species of fruit fly used in genetics labs due to how inexpensive they are, how visible their traits are, and their high reproductive rate.

The gene for red and white eye colour is found on the X chromosome. The allele for red eyes (XR) is dominant to the allele for white eyes (Xr).

You are asked to cross a pure breeding white-eyed female with a pure breeding red-eyed male.

What are the genotypes of the individuals involved in this cross?

1) X^R X^R

2) X^R X^r

3) X^R X^-

4) X^r X^r

5) X^R Y

6) X^r Y

Genotype of the parent male                            Answer

Genotype of the parent female                        Answer

Genotype of the male offspring                        Answer

Genotype of the female offspring                     Answer

3) A gene for eye colour in Drosophila occurs on the X chromosome. The allele for red eyes, XR, is dominant over the allele for white eyes, Xr.

A heterozygous red-eyed female fruit fly was crossed with a white-eyed male fruit fly. Complete the following Punnett square for this cross.

                    Answer                                    Answer

 Answer         Answer                                   Answer

  Y                    Answer                                   Answer

4) Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in the FBN1 gene. It affects connective tissues, commonly resulting in long bones, abnormal curvature of the spine, defects in the eye (glaucoma), and faulty heart valves.

X-linked hypophosphatemia is an X-linked dominant disorder that causes a type of rickets.

Which of the following rows describes the inheritance pattern of these disorders?

a. Marfan Syndrome                                             
Males and females are affected with equal frequency.

X-linked Hypophosphatemia
Affected males can only pass on the trait to their daughters.

b. Marfan Syndrome
Males are affected more frequently than females.

X-linked Hypophosphatemia
Female carriers can pass on the trait to their sons.

c. Marfan Syndrome
Affected males can only pass on the trait to their daughters.

X-linked Hypophosphatemia
Males and females are affected with equal frequently.

d. Marfan Syndrome
Female carriers can pass on the trait to their sons.

X-linked Hypophosphatemia
Males are affected more frequently than females.

5) Red-green colour blindness is a sex-linked trait. Red-green colour blindness (Xrg) is the inability to distinguish between red and green colours. The Xrg allele is recessive to the normal X allele.

A normal woman has a father who has red-green colour blindness. She had a child with a man who does not have red-green colour blindness.

What is the probability they will have a son with red-green colour blindness?

a. 0

b. 0.25

c. 0.13

d. 0.50

6) Use the following information to answer the next two questions.

Hemophilia is an X-linked disorder that affects the body’s ability to create blood clots. The allele for normal blood clotting, X^H, is dominant over the allele for hemophilia, X^h.

An unaffected female that is not a carrier mated with an affected male. Which of the following rows identifies the possible genotypes of the offspring?

a. Female                     Male
    X^H X^h               X^H Y and X^h Y

b. Female                                      Male
X^H X^H and  X^H X^h      X^H Y  and X^h Y

c. Female            Male
     X^H X^h            X^H Y

d. Female                               Male
X^H X^H and  X^HX^h       X^H Y

7)  An unaffected daughter from the above cross married a man who does not have hemophilia.

Determine the probability of their offspring being

A daughter with hemophilia

A daughter without hemophilia

A son with hemophilia

A son without hemophilia

Express your answer as a phenotypic ratio.

Number:           Answer                        Answer                         Answer                        Answer

Phenotype:    Affected                   Unaffected                      Affected                   Unaffected
                          female                          female                             male                               male

8) Which of the following statements is true for sex-linked traits in birds?

a. Females can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait only from their father, and males can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait from either their mother or father.

b. Males can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait only from their mother, and females can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait from either their mother or father.

c. Both sexes can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait from either their mother or father.

d. Females can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait only from their father, and males can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait only from their mother.

9) In birds, males have two Z sex chromosomes (ZZ) and females have one Z and one W sex chromosome (ZW). Since female birds have only one Z chromosome, they have only one copy of all Z-linked genes and they express the phenotype of the allele that they get.

Barred is a sex-linked dominant trait in chickens. The barring allele causes white pigment in bars on a solid color producing an alternating pattern. The original solid color in the chickens below is black.

The possible genotypes and their corresponding phenotypes are as follows:

Genotype                Sex                             Feather Phenotype
ZBZB                          Male                                      Barred

ZBZb                       Male                                      Barred

ZbZb                       Male                                       Black

ZBW                    Female                                     Barred

ZbW                    Female                                       Black

Which of the following rows correctly displays the phenotypes of the F1 generation of a cross between a pure breeding barred rooster and a black hen AND a black rooster and a barred hen, respectively?

a. Barred Male  X  Black Female                           Black Male  X  Barred Female
             100% barred                                                             100% barred

b. Barred  X  Black Female                                    Black Male  X  Barred Female
            100% barred                                                Barred males and black females

c. Barred Male  X  Black Female                           Black Male  X  Barred Female
             100% barred                                     2 barred females : 1 barred male : 1 black male

d. Barred Male  X  Black Female                          Black Male  X  Barred Female
  Barred males and black females                                   100% barred

10) The inheritance of colour in domestic pigeons involves several genes. The dominance hierarchy of three colour alleles is ash-red > blue-black > brown (Z^A > Z^B > Z^b).

These colours are carried on the Z sex chromosome. Unlike humans, female pigeons have two different sex chromosomes (Z and W) and males have two of the same kind of sex chromosome (ZZ).

A heterozygous blue-black male pigeon mated with a brown female pigeon.

What are the expected genotypes of the offspring?

a. Z^B Z^b and Z^b W

b. Z^B Z^B,, Z^B Z^b, Z^b Z^b, Z^B W, and Z^b W

c. Z^B Z^b, Z^b Z^b, Z^B W, and Z^b W

d. Z^A Z^b, Z^B Z^b, Z^B W, and Z^A W


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A year ago
1) Which of the following statements correctly describes a Y-linked trait?

a.  It can be inherited by a daughter from her father.

b. It will always be expressed if present in male individuals.

c.  It will always be expressed if present in female individuals.

d. It can be inherited by a son from his mother.

2) Drosophila melanogaster is a species of fruit fly used in genetics labs due to how inexpensive they are, how visible their traits are, and their high reproductive rate.

The gene for red and white eye colour is found on the X chromosome. The allele for red eyes (XR) is dominant to the allele for white eyes (Xr).

You are asked to cross a pure breeding white-eyed female with a pure breeding red-eyed male.

What are the genotypes of the individuals involved in this cross?

1) X^R X^R

2) X^R X^r

3) X^R X^-

4) X^r X^r

5) X^R Y

6) X^r Y

Genotype of the parent male                            Answer

Genotype of the parent female                        Answer

Genotype of the male offspring                        Answer

Genotype of the female offspring                     Answer

See attachment

3) A gene for eye colour in Drosophila occurs on the X chromosome. The allele for red eyes, XR, is dominant over the allele for white eyes, Xr.

A heterozygous red-eyed female fruit fly was crossed with a white-eyed male fruit fly. Complete the following Punnett square for this cross.

                    Answer                                    Answer

 Answer         Answer                                   Answer

  Y                    Answer                                   Answer

See attachment

4) Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in the FBN1 gene. It affects connective tissues, commonly resulting in long bones, abnormal curvature of the spine, defects in the eye (glaucoma), and faulty heart valves.

X-linked hypophosphatemia is an X-linked dominant disorder that causes a type of rickets.

Which of the following rows describes the inheritance pattern of these disorders?

a. Marfan Syndrome                                             
Males and females are affected with equal frequency.

X-linked Hypophosphatemia
Affected males can only pass on the trait to their daughters.

b. Marfan Syndrome
Males are affected more frequently than females.

X-linked Hypophosphatemia
Female carriers can pass on the trait to their sons.

c. Marfan Syndrome
Affected males can only pass on the trait to their daughters.

X-linked Hypophosphatemia
Males and females are affected with equal frequently.

d. Marfan Syndrome
Female carriers can pass on the trait to their sons.

X-linked Hypophosphatemia
Males are affected more frequently than females.
See link: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?topic=117634.0

5) Red-green colour blindness is a sex-linked trait. Red-green colour blindness (Xrg) is the inability to distinguish between red and green colours. The Xrg allele is recessive to the normal X allele.

A normal woman has a father who has red-green colour blindness. She had a child with a man who does not have red-green colour blindness.

What is the probability they will have a son with red-green colour blindness?

a. 0

b. 0.25

c. 0.13

d. 0.50

See attachment

6) Use the following information to answer the next two questions.

Hemophilia is an X-linked disorder that affects the body’s ability to create blood clots. The allele for normal blood clotting, X^H, is dominant over the allele for hemophilia, X^h.

An unaffected female that is not a carrier mated with an affected male. Which of the following rows identifies the possible genotypes of the offspring?

a. Female                     Male
    X^H X^h               X^H Y and X^h Y

b. Female                                      Male
X^H X^H and  X^H X^h      X^H Y  and X^h Y

c. Female            Male
     X^H X^h            X^H Y

d. Female                               Male
X^H X^H and  X^HX^h       X^H Y

The genotype of normal female will be X(H) X(H) and affected male will be X(h) Y.

Offsprings produce by crossing between these two will be, X(H) X(h) [ Affected female ] and X(H) Y [ Normal Male ].

So, the correct answer will be (b) X(H) X(h) Female and X(H) Y Male.

7)  An unaffected daughter from the above cross married a man who does not have hemophilia.

Determine the probability of their offspring being

A daughter with hemophilia

A daughter without hemophilia

A son with hemophilia

A son without hemophilia

Express your answer as a phenotypic ratio.

Number:           Answer                        Answer                         Answer                        Answer

Phenotype:    Affected                   Unaffected                      Affected                   Unaffected
                          female                          female                             male                               male
See attachment

8) Which of the following statements is true for sex-linked traits in birds?

a. Females can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait only from their father, and males can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait from either their mother or father.

b. Males can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait only from their mother, and females can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait from either their mother or father.

c. Both sexes can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait from either their mother or father.

d. Females can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait only from their father, and males can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait only from their mother.

Females can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait only from their father, and males can inherit an allele for a Z-linked trait from either their mother or father.


Male genotype of sex chromosomes in birds (ZZ)

Female genotype of sex chromosomes in birds (ZW)

Male can inherit Z-linked trait from either mother or father as male's genotype is homozygous for sex chromosomes (ZZ).

Female can inherit Z-linked trait from either father only as female's genotype is heterozygous for sex chromosomes (ZW).

9) In birds, males have two Z sex chromosomes (ZZ) and females have one Z and one W sex chromosome (ZW). Since female birds have only one Z chromosome, they have only one copy of all Z-linked genes and they express the phenotype of the allele that they get.

Barred is a sex-linked dominant trait in chickens. The barring allele causes white pigment in bars on a solid color producing an alternating pattern. The original solid color in the chickens below is black.

The possible genotypes and their corresponding phenotypes are as follows:

Genotype                Sex                             Feather Phenotype
ZBZB                          Male                                      Barred

ZBZb                       Male                                      Barred

ZbZb                       Male                                       Black

ZBW                    Female                                     Barred

ZbW                    Female                                       Black

Which of the following rows correctly displays the phenotypes of the F1 generation of a cross between a pure breeding barred rooster and a black hen AND a black rooster and a barred hen, respectively?

a. Barred Male  X  Black Female                           Black Male  X  Barred Female
             100% barred                                                             100% barred

b. Barred  X  Black Female                                    Black Male  X  Barred Female
            100% barred                                                Barred males and black females

c. Barred Male  X  Black Female                           Black Male  X  Barred Female
             100% barred                                     2 barred females : 1 barred male : 1 black male

d. Barred Male  X  Black Female                          Black Male  X  Barred Female
  Barred males and black females                                   100% barred

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