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bunnyliv bunnyliv
Posts: 54
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A year ago
Please help, Thank you !!!!

How do you determined what codon controlled a specific gene?

Question options:

By trying to infer from the DNA fingerprint.

This can be determined through examining all the frogs and if one of the frogs didn't have the same band pattern that would not be a condon control

If all spotted frogs (for example) that are even different skin color and different eye color have the same codon than we can assume since the spots are the only things they have in common than that’s what that specific codon controls

This can be determined through examining some of the frogs and if one of the frogs didn't have the same band pattern that would be a condon control.

How is the model used in this simulation of one codon making up the gene for eye colour incorrect?

Question options:


Codons are an incorrect term for what is happening in the simulation.


Because in an organism there are several of codon combinations, this stimulation is technically incorrect because it is simplified greatly.


Because in an organism there is the possibility of 64 codon combinations , this stimulation is technically incorrect because it is simplified greatly.


The model used is correct and accurate.

How could you change this simulation so it more accurately models DNA fingerprint analysis?
Question options:

We can change the simulation so that it is more accurate by having the DNA fingerprints be “fragments” and not independent nucleotides

Can’t really change the similuation it is on too small of a scale

We can use more frogs in the simulation, the diversity will increase the accuracy

Use the frogs RNA instead, it will be much accurate

Write a conclusion statement that answers the problem presented at the beginning of the lab...How can identical twins and physical characteristics be identified using DNA fingerprints?
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Answer rejected by topic starter
A year ago
First question:


Second question:

I would make it so that every skin colour, eye color and spotted/non spotted would have a different codon.

Third question:

Because each characteristic has a different codon which lets us know what their physical trait are. If two DNA fingerprints are the exact same we will know that they are identical twins

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