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smithstevee smithstevee
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11 years ago
please help me.
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11 years ago
"living things are known as organisms. Organisms are made up of one or more cells. Under the five kingdom system, cells can be divided into two basic kinds: the prokaryotes, which are simple cells without a distinct, membrane bound nucleus; and the more complex eukaryotes." biozone.
11 years ago
Prokaryotes have:
1.  no nucleus; just a circular chromosome loose in the cytoplasm
2.  no organelles with membranes around them like mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, vacuoles, ....

Eukaryotes have:
1.  a distinct nucleus enclosed in a membrane
2.  organelles enclosed in their own membranes
11 years ago
Prokaryote cells are cells without a nucleus and eukaryote cells are cells with a nucleus...that's all i know so far =)
11 years ago
1. pro-cell size small; euc-cell size comparatively large
2. pro-organizd nucleus absent, instead has nucleoid; euc- orgnzd nucleus, differentiatd into nuke envelope, chromatin, nucleoli, n nucleoplasm
3. pro-low DNA amout; euc- higher
4. pro-circular and naked (w/o histones) DNA; euc- linear DNA w/ histone protiens
5. pro-endoplasmic reticulum absent; euc-cytoplasm= matrix+ER
7. pro-mitochondria, golgi apparatus, centriole (w/ centrosome n centrioles), lysosomes absent; euc-present
8. pro-gametes not formd since sexual reproduction is absent; euc-gametogenesis directly or via meiosis (since sexual rep. takes place)
9.pro-no spindle formation durin division; euc-spindle forms
10. pro-protien synthesis occurs in cytoplasm only; euc-in cytoplasm, mitochon.,plastids
11.pro-free DNA in cytoplasm; euc-most of the DNA in nucleus, some in mitochon n plastids too.
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