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Ikkou Ikkou
11 years ago
How do I calculate the distance of the moon if its diameter is 3476 and how do I calculate that?
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6 Replies

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11 years ago
you're question doesn't make even the slightest sense that wasn't even a question you just rambled. try again
11 years ago
if the moon has a diameter of 3476, that = really big
therefor, moon is very far, cause it looks small and is big
11 years ago
what do you mean with ''distance''?
area ? is the area of the circle = 4*3.14* (0.5*diameter)^2
volume? volume = 4/3 * 3.14 * (0.5*diameter)^3
hope I helped you:) regards.
11 years ago
Hold your breath, wear some warm clothing and start walking.  

Oh! it might be helpful to get a lift up to the Space Lab Station before you start your stroll as gravity is a real bummer.

Alternately you could just look up 'Moon' in the Wikipedia or give Neil Armstrong a call.   Good luck let me know when you get there.   Your adventure will make interesting reading.
11 years ago
If you know the actual diameter you can observe the apparent diameter in degrees and get the distance from geometry.

A lot of astronomical measurements are based on guesswork and extrapolation. That's partly why the Apollo astronauts dropped a laser reflector on the Moon - so they could measure the distance accurately. Then they can do it the other way around - calculate the diameter accurately.
11 years ago
The Moon has an angular diameter of ½°. The small angle formula, D = ad/57.3, can be solved for d.

d = 57.3D/a

This puts the Moon at:

d = 57.3(3476)/.5 = 398,350 of some unspecified unit.

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