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11 years ago
santa clara university offers an actual pre-medicine degree.or should i take something in biological sciences. or would a biomedical degree be best instead?
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11 years ago
The MCAT tests on subjects that are all required for admission to medical school.  Therefore, regardless of your actual major, if you want to get into medical school, you will need to take all the classes covered on the MCAT. The best way to ensure a good score on the MCAT is to study harder than you ever have in your life, as well as take a study course offered by companies like Kaplan or The Princeton Review.
11 years ago
I don't know how it is nowadays, but back in the '50s they asked questions about science and art. I remember one or two questions were about comics, Bix Beiderbecke and Jelly Roll Morton, Wagner and Brahms, philosophy and literature.  There was a question or two about Duchamps painting, "Nude Descending a Staircase." (And here I was at a conservative Jesuit university!) In other words, it helped to be culturally literate. I suspect things have changed in the past half-century, but no one course prepares you for it.
11 years ago
It doesn't matter.  You have to take the prerequisite science courses regardless of your major.

The best preparation is to do very well in those and really learn that material the first time around.  THen, when you study for the MCAT, it's just a reminder of things you already know.
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