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↳  Art and Culture  ▸  3 years ago  ▸  61.1% Relevance  ▸   malik
...  design discipline is characterized by the use  ...
...  words and pictures to improve visual communication? ▸ graphic design ▸  ...
...  product design ▸ interactive design ▸ motion  ...
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↳  Business  ▸  6 years ago  ▸  45.1% Relevance  ▸   TSWatcher
... . Consistency: Achieve visual parallelism through the consistent use  ...
...  differences more subtle.
3. Balance: Visual balance can be either formal, in which  ...
...  assume that the dominant element in a design is the most important, so make sure  ...
...  the visually dominant element really does  ...
...  important information.
5. Convention: Visual communication is guided by generally  ...
...  that dictate virtually every aspect of design. In any given culture, for example,  ...
... : Limit the number of colours and design elements and take care to avoid  ...
↳  Fashion and Design  ▸  6 years ago  ▸  45.1% Relevance  ▸   Shudson
...  type of visual communication created at the design  ...
↳  Business  ▸  6 years ago  ▸  41.2% Relevance  ▸   Tejonk
...  to #1

Answer: E
Explanation: E) Design decisions, such as using distracting  ...
... , or tiny typefaces, act as barriers to communication. The visual design sends a nonverbal  ...
... , influencing their perceptions of the communication before they read a single word.

Answer  ...
...  #2

Answer: B
Explanation: B) Effective design helps you establish the tone of your  ...
...  your message. To achieve an effective design, pay attention to consistency, balance,  ...
...  blank.) These unused areas provide visual contrast and important resting points  ...
↳  Psychology  ▸  6 years ago  ▸  38.2% Relevance  ▸   evaaaaa
...  the inference if the source of the communication is familiar.

Question 2

Identify the  ...
...  step in the following experimental design sequence: choose the number of  ...
...  for processing different types of visual information
d) Specialization of the  ...
↳  Education Studies  ▸  6 years ago  ▸  37.2% Relevance  ▸   abbiejurado
...  from our understanding of how to design physical environments for individuals  ...
...  C) assistive technology D) universal design

Ques. 4

Persons who are blind find  ...
...  accepted learning style?

A) Visual B) Introvert C) Auditory D) Kinesthetic

Ques. 8

In order to meet communication needs of persons with hearing  ...
↳  Education Studies  ▸  6 years ago  ▸  37.2% Relevance  ▸   nano
...  growth
B. Socioeconomic status
C. Communication skills
D. Decoding of a visual

Ques.  ...

Visual literacy can be developed through which  ...
...  is the learned ability to interpret visual messages accurately and to create  ...
... .

A. Artistic skill
B. Graphic design
C. Visual literacy
D. Abstract  ...
↳  Marketing  ▸  6 years ago  ▸  34.6% Relevance  ▸   Lakaj
...  the brand name (Taylor).

The main visual in an ad for the Yamaha Pacifica is a  ...
...  IMC?
a. IBP ignores the importance of communication whereas IMC does not.
b. IBP focuses  ...
...  broad perspective, ( ) means effective communication and promotion of the franchised product  ...

Question 5

A service blueprint is a design and communication tool for marketers to  ...
...  the brand name (Taylor).

The main visual in an ad for the Yamaha Pacifica is a  ...
...  not have been as effective if the:
a. visual was less eye-appealing.
b. copy  ...
...  four or five desirable attributes.
c. visual was a drawing rather than a photograph.
...  is known as .
a. integrated marketing communications
b. a marketing mix
c. cooperative  ...
↳  Education Studies  ▸  6 years ago  ▸  32.3% Relevance  ▸   sun1322
... , students ________.

A) sketch visual images
B) complete a discussion  ...
...  (SIOP)
B) World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) proficiency  ...
...  to students about ________.

A) visual literacy
B) appropriate and expected  ...
...  comfortable with appropriate oral communication.

A) conflicting opinions
B)  ...
↳  Business  ▸  6 years ago  ▸  31.2% Relevance  ▸   nishajt
...  subheadings.
D) bullet lists.
E) visual aids.

Ques. 2

For most printed  ...
...  made.

Ques. 4

For effective document design in business communication, you should
...  a one-size-fits-all approach to balance design elements.
E) use bright background  ...
...  look unappealing.
D) provides visual contrast.
E) is helpful when you lack  ...
...  of elements such as page or screen design, typography, and graphics.

A)  ...
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