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Rene Rene
Posts: 592
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
Another name for the European Union is
 A) the Common Market.
  B) the European Market.
  C) the Euro.
  E) AECO.

Question 2

A young man decides to become a mass producer of quality T-shirts. His small factory located in Oregon begins by promoting itself as hiring excellent seamstresses, offering a pleasant working environment, paying decent salaries, and, most importantly, giving the public an opportunity to buy clothing that is truly made in America.. The company eventually adds other clothing items, opens three brick-and-mortar retail stores in several large cities, and expands to online shopping. Over the years, the firm grows and prospers due to its reputation as an American manufacturer, a fair employer, and an opponent of the traditional view of sweatshops.. And along the way, it deals with a few public relations issues. Over the years, he has learned that positive word-of-mouth advertising helps. He now enlists the testimony of seamstresses who have been with him for years, customers who won't buy any casual clothing but his, and even high-end designers who praise his business integrity and product quality. What is he involved in now?
 a. publicity marketing
  b. influencer marketing
  c. sponsorship marketing
  d. internal marketing

Question 3

Sharon just managed a major event for the local zoo. She put an advertisement in the local newspaper. However, she was disappointed by how few people showed up. She couldn't understand because the paper is highly popular among locals. Sharon decided to survey its large pool of zoo members to try and see what went wrong. After looking at the responses, as well as copies of the newspaper that had the ad, she realized that on the same page as the zoo ad was an even larger advertisement advertising an upcoming concert. This ad was higher up on the page and dwarfed the zoo ad. She believes most people who read that page were distracted by the large colorful concert advertisement. In this case, the responses to Sharon's survey are _____________________, while the distraction caused by the larger, more colorful ad on the same page could be characterized as ______________.
 A) feedback; the coding process
  B) the receiver; the marketing channel
  C) feedback; noise
  D) the marketing channel; decoding
  E) encoding; noise

Question 4

Which of the following is not true of NAFTA?
 A) The agreement has a long adjustment phase-in time period.
  B) Increased competition should lead to a more efficient market.
  C) It will provide additional opportunities for the United States in long-term affiliations with other countries in the Western Hemisphere.
  D) It provides protection for intellectual property among its members.
  E) Business licensing requirements have been increased.

Question 5

If Domino's uses digital media along with more traditional newspaper ads to create a more synchronized and consistent message for customers, it is most likely engaging in
 A) personal selling.
  B) communication feedback.
  C) the entire promotion mix.
  D) public communications management.
  E) integrated marketing communications.

Question 6

A young man decides to become a mass producer of quality T-shirts. His small factory located in Oregon begins by promoting itself as hiring excellent seamstresses, offering a pleasant working environment, paying decent salaries, and, most importantly, giving the public an opportunity to buy clothing that is truly made in America.. The company eventually adds other clothing items, opens three brick-and-mortar retail stores in several large cities, and expands to online shopping. Over the years, the firm grows and prospers due to its reputation as an American manufacturer, a fair employer, and an opponent of the traditional view of sweatshops.. And along the way, it deals with a few public relations issues. The conflict passes, things settle down, and he goes on to build his businessknowing that a rash of bad publicity could have done him in early on, before he even got started. Now he knows that he is part of an industry with many questionable players. And he is aware that the chance of being associated with sweatshops, illegal hiring, or other unsavory aspects of business must be anticipated. In this way, he has
 a. conducted a situation analysis.
  b. developed his program objectives.
  c. formulated his marketing rationale.
  d. identified his vulnerabilities.

Question 7

One of the effects of NAFTA is the simplification of country-of-origin rules. This will likely hinder the international trade activities of
 A) Canada.
  B) Japan.
  C) Brazil.
  D) Cuba.
  E) Panama.

Question 8

A young man decides to become a mass producer of quality T-shirts. His small factory located in Oregon begins by promoting itself as hiring excellent seamstresses, offering a pleasant working environment, paying decent salaries, and, most importantly, giving the public an opportunity to buy clothing that is truly made in America.. The company eventually adds other clothing items, opens three brick-and-mortar retail stores in several large cities, and expands to online shopping. Over the years, the firm grows and prospers due to its reputation as an American manufacturer, a fair employer, and an opponent of the traditional view of sweatshops.. And along the way, it deals with a few public relations issues. He feels he did a good job in his series of press releases about the positive aspects of his company. However, he is aware that press releases have their limitations. He knows that they
 a. are better at promoting positive news than combating negative information.
  b. cannot be integrated with other communication efforts.
  c. do well in communicating information internally but not as well externally.
  d. may be edited, misconstrued, delayed, or not run at all by media organizations.

Question 9

Mass media is used more frequently today than in the past.
 Indicate whether the statement is true or false
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You are really a genius. Thanks
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