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ChesterNeupt ChesterNeupt
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5 years ago
What is the difference between Herzberg's Motivator and Hygiene factors as they relate to an employee's job satisfaction?
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5 years ago
 Herzberg's research showed that the degrees of satisfaction and dissatisfaction employees feel as a result of performing their jobs are actually two different variables determined by two different sets of items. The items that influence the degree of job dissatisfaction are called Hygiene factors  those that influence the degree of job satisfaction are called Motivator factors.
Hygiene factors relate to the work environment, and Motivator factors relate to the work itself. Hygiene factors include company policies, supervision, relationship with supervisors and peers, working conditions, and salary.
Motivator factors include opportunity for achievement and recognition, the work itself, responsibility, working conditions, and personal growth.
Herzberg believes that when the hygiene factors of a particular job situation are undesirable, employees will become dissatisfied. Making these factors more desirable will rarely motivate people to do a better job, but it will keep them from becoming dissatisfied.
In contrast, when the motivating factors of a particular job situation are compelling, employees usually are motivated to do a better job. Employees tend to be more motivated and productive as more motivators are built into their job situations.
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