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A year ago
About Russia I am trying to see by probable logic whether eventual paradigm shift could come from their side, coz from euroatlantic for sure will not come as I've said eugenics is "their" motor thus cant be expected that shooter will shoot itself in the head [2][2][2] but who knows maybe the trigger will go by itself!?, if didnt already coz after the failed covert plandemix its obvious that transhumanism and genetic&bionic revolution is slipped in wide experimental mode tho from start dread and faulty, to "their" misfortune and to our luck coz now we have some space for awakening to "their" wrongness of neopagan deistic agendas and respond by citizens disobedience if again try to push up such inertia!, otherwise we will be doomed on mengelian alike history repeating but on steroids, after all we are talking for the same enlightened western pool of humanists longing for some heaven'on'earth and superhumanity even that was pushed by utmost wrong trials&errors even we were all coerced to be guineapigs!, So we need as fast as possible eTOS compactness if not else so would be stopped that wrong eugenic inertia!

Didn't Russia play along with that idea also? They too implemented COVID restrictions:

In light of the surge, 18 Russian regions — from Moscow and St. Petersburg to the remote far-eastern region of Sakhalin — made vaccinations mandatory this month for employees in certain sectors, such as government offices, retail, health care, education, restaurants and other service industries.


If that's the case, how can we rely on them? It's important that we approach this topic with logical reasoning rather than relying on speculative assumptions. Anyone who puts their trust in people are in for a rude awakening.
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
I assume that Russia could brake the silence coz didnt imposed mandatory vaxing but went with the vaxing flow so would not risk eventual internal social paranoia due the global fear psyop, but also released own jab so its population at best would not get hooked on the m'rna hype what by itself says big if not else about their awareness  that the m'rna tech is far from safe to be employed on such defacto widest experimental scale in the world!, what additionally suggests that Russia is not part of one and the same transhumanist agenda, (hm maybe have own who knows tho not probable coz the Russian Orthodox Church is in extra grip with the current leadership) and all this potentially opens space to be seen any eventual revision momentum there, but if and only if their academic and political will is unburdened from humanistic fears i.e. how the rest of the world will embrace such hype coming from there, simply now Russia need and want to keep its rows as normal as possible so would not leave whatever opportunity to be exploited in whatever propaganda way by its western counterparts, ~ in my opinion at the moment ~, coz the current geopolitical clime will not last forever, yet even when such risks will disappear and its found space for faster steps towards mainstream academic revision think even then "many" will try to stall if already cant suppress such momentum whether from eugenic or lucrative motive behind the current by pharmacy kidnapped medicine!, yet again once the ball will start rolling eventually will lead to scientific clarity for what in my opinion eTOS vibe could help big time as leverage ...

Odiseizam Author
A year ago

It would have been interesting if PyotorG was still alive and such eTOS hype around [1][1][1][2][3][4] when probably he would had have set free quickly even the current reductionist academia to grasp that they have incomplete models and laws of understanding Biology!, logically every revolution in Science asks for pivot if not motivation and PyotrG is/was indeed such!, still nor he nor anyone else will achieve quick revision how things are laid now as closed research filtered by dogmatized peer-review process!, and not that eTOS will bring change by itself but if and when many are pulled and tied in constant dedicated debate as scientists will have far more productive vibe of push toward any eventual revisionism!, what would be healthy fluid organic global scientific push towards clarity and acceptance of the fact that the current path at best is derailed in large extent how rests on faulty physics [2] from which aspect would be also questionable even Pyotors theory as tied to quantum physics, and more likely the relation more correctly should pass from torsion fields and electromagnetism towards cells and bioresonance [3] and from there to be chased answers for virology ... think things are more simple regards basic structuring and communication in Biology coz by itself chemical processes without the coded information are not enough to answer the complexity of Life Symbiosis and Entropy, especially not if know there are also intervened other realms of existence whether seen as energy consciousness or Angelic Hierarchy logically influencing the Life as we can just romantically imagining, altho even that is passed to us as knowhow i.e. that through spoken words we can influence even greater changes if for that are met the right conditions, tho coz religion is thrown ad'acta by humanism as at least idea worthy to be explored thus such metaphysics is even farer than bioresonance i.e. completely to be understood by scientific terms Our Existence what about Our Almighty Lord Omnipotence, hm simply by using different instrument instead The Hearth (as Nous [4] reductionist scientists cant pass beyond the mechanistic model of interaction between spheres, and that by itself is shallowly wrong approach for chasing apotheosis as "their" maecenas lust for!, tho "there" are surely factions among "them" that are aware that humanism its limited how is manufactured leading only to wasted trial&error time, yet the mainstream bulk of "them" persistently are trying to reassert to all "their" assurance for exceptional errorless path towards superhumanity, hek what as consequence will throw "them" in despair once grasp that projected all "their" might and knowledge on the wrong side of the street!, and "them" hm we will waste another turns of awakening till logically finally wake up to that fact of selfdelusion by deterministic humanism!, Hope not and someone will become bold enough to stop "their" madness of tweaking by force wrong physics chemistry and biology and like that expecting eureka!, stupid!, to put it politely!, tho go stay polite while "they" are covertly tweaking wonnabe transhumanism by wrong basis!, tho for that we would need something like eTOS and DonaldT alike independent lets check it realist who will check by ears if not legs also eugenics!, coz that very same not just agenda but spear is in hands of "those" neopagan euroatlantic determinists!, pity we've lost momentum earlier The Man had have big time hands tied by constant remirroring of "their" agitprop machines hooking extra time on PR polishing what if as free time was spent on this kind hype for revision of virology would had have been way epic i.e. dismantling not just the wrong unipolar geopolitical mindset of globalist but the more essential goal of "theirs" towards apotheosis through some biogenetic superhumanity for what the current synthetic biology contributes also with utmost wrong trials&errors by large margin, actually seen simplified its clash between Christianity and neopaganism (tho coz the last wrong wide experimental pandemix and jabs now its opened door for huge requestioning of everything even for the earlier manipulated president like DonaldT who eventually will regain credence now if admit that was lured on warpspeeding by DoD coz it was caught by surprise to coup with psyop issue useful for geopolitical exploit regard China and Tariffs, plus now all geopolitical hype is stirred completely towards ww3 thus eventually by his independent reasoning to be put emphasis on this kind of requestioning Virology and through it Biology or vice versa, hm it would be quite enough defocusing for all from already known outcome from the ukrainian globalist spin (done coz final polarization before reset of western capitalism and democracy towards western socialism and technocracy) what coz hit a bump it could be now cushioned ideally like this through Wide Opening of the system at least on this scientific level having more proactive space for reexamining all alternative theories regards all natural sciences of course ...all in all many possibilities but we will need to wait and see till which extremes are ready ea-determinists to throw us all in ordo'ab'chao scenario what even DonaldT again was reelected its question whether the geopolitical cauldron will not boil up till fast delivery service for all by phone order [4])
A year ago

Highly recommended watch from Tucker Carlson
Odiseizam Author
A year ago Edited: A year ago, Odiseizam
TuckerC can pass only suspicious hype that will engage only the curious public to tilt out emptyhanded in front of tv or comps, while eventual revisionism should come from the academia itself ...

... regards Bioresonance on west for now most closest attempt would be the Global Consciousness Project [1][1][1] where noosphere is taken as pivot [2][2] but think its better first to be focused on the micro than the macro research for what good pivot would be buxters "screaming" experiments [3] along gariaevs emf imprints of our organism, to this also kirlian measurements can be further expanded ideally to an organism monitored through 3D-TrIm Microscopy  [4] I can just imagine how huge opportunity is such microscopy regards observation of eventual emf interference on cells etc. etc. but what as always will be met with huge margin of skepticism whatever observed if contradicts the current mainstream hype!. and if it was hard to be accepted simple revelation in the same eg. regards stem cells [5] then how much more will be buried eventual bioresonant vibe in the academia, hope the newer generations will not be so blindly programed, or!?, but eventually it would not be allowed to us by Higher Force complete mastering of Life in context of Biology if that is not to our benefit what could be messed up easily coz the current deterministic mindset asks for firm repentance of the experiments what on such bioresonant level could be easily skewed by (lets say) noosphere hacking not known to us as science [6][6]

... anyway in context of viruses and immunology probably first field that should be extensively researched as bioresonance is our ECS System and how the same boosts Lymphocytes and/or as some say through CBD even the Stem Cells [7]
Odiseizam Author
A year ago Edited: A year ago, Odiseizam

... in context here is useful info from Solari Report ... the quote is from the transcript of the next presentation on 1h:30m ...

'Materialising' DNA in water – Luc Montagnier

Based on the experiment described earlier that  yielded a Phantom DNA waveform in the empty  background, Gariaev and team implemented the phantom  phenomenon also in reverse, namely materializing  a DNA fragment in water, through  modulated laser radiation upon the water.

They also radiated the radiation spectrum of  glucose which was first read through the special  laser installation and then beamed onto the water  which triggered a glucose phantom in the water
 which was physically testable by the color  reaction of litmus paper. This is almost miraculous!

To induce a chemical reaction from informed light  alone. It is similar to the famous experiments  by Luc Montagnier, the French Nobel laureate who  discovered the AIDS virus.His recent work focuses  on electromagnetic signals from DNA – work for which  he is ridiculed by many of his former admirers.

In these experiments, Montagnier recorded  electromagnetic signals from a DNA sequence – in this case from bacterial and  viral DNA – by a different procedure.

The DNA solution was placed into distilled water  which was then filtered with millipore filters to  remove the actual molecular components from the  water. After that the water underwent several  rounds of dilution in steps of times 10 to create  potentiations of up to 10^-12.

The diluted water samples were then exposed to  a coil generating extremely low frequencies in  the range of 7-8 Hz – the Schumann resonance. No material molecules were present any longer  but in Fourier analysis of the water samples  the higher dilutions showed frequency spectra  that differed from the control or background  noise, indicating the presence of a signal.

Finally, when the water was put in contact  with a polymerase enzyme for polymerase  chain reaction, PCR, which is a reliable technique to  quickly make copies of a given sequence of DNA – in that the DNA of the bacteria was rebuilt.  Again, there was no material molecule of the  original DNA in the container and the polymerase  enzyme built the replica from seemingly nothing. 

The enzyme must have received the  blueprint for the reconstruction of  the DNA from the electromagnetic signal  visualized in the Fourier analysis.

Montagnier, like Gariaev, recorded the electromagnetic  signals on a microphone coil and saved them as an  audio file. The file was emailed to another lab in  Italy where the audio is emitted onto distilled  water for a certain duration and the treated water  is then put into the polymerase chain reaction

Again the DNA is reproduced! How is that possible?  From a sound file of the radiation spectrum  of distilled water with no physical DNA molecule  detectable, the DNA sequence was replicated!

Montagnier, inexplicably to me, I must say, used the  DNA of an HIV infected patient for his experiments.

Does that mean that we can send active  germs through the internet in an mp3 file  possibly mixed into music? You decide!

Post Merge: A year ago

This sounds pretty smooth like silk explanation at least for those that are biologically literate, yet think CleaveB case of lets say experience with bioresonance goes on more conscious level where in his knockouts is using complex organisms eg. like Plants i.e. where he is getting readings on his polygraph by sending particular positive or negative thought and getting response [1][1][1] cant imagine what kind of creative invention strike he got when construct the polygraph and meditated on its use!, also somehow similar results will get MasaruE with the water crystals, and this with PyotrG DNA mirroring would be microcosmic echo that opens space for reexamination not just how Light is live career of bioinfo waves but how Sun is maybe energetic portal to higher realms ...

... altho till we reach complete understanding for cosmological bioresonant interactions ~ as it looks probably the choked by determinism humanists will trap many in man'machine'hype ~ than as academia would get fast enough to revert that momentum and reach revision in Biology and/or Virology, dont need to repeat the multilevel reasons why, or!?, essentially Life for them is mechanistic by default as western science on top secured by ultra'wrong'exceptionalism of selfdelusional ego that even when wrong dont leave space for revision, for what per'se think neoplatonism is at fault, still if eTOS vibe burst ahead among the scientists we can hope cyborg "utopia" will be evaded!, practically as could be seen by the second 1st footnote some faction among euroatlantic determinists are aware about this need for revision but probably the eugenic one that is heavily resting on the neoplatonic utopian hype is keeping the mainstream veil dipped in halfliterate reductionism at best, tho needed so would claim inheritance of neopagan alchemic exceptionalism along the western imperialism as victory of western neopaganism over Christianity!, Please skip this rooting digression and focus on planting revision!
Odiseizam Author
A year ago

The next quoted joke think levels up all in context why revision altho inevitable still will wait a better days coz simply all mainstream science is still stuck in live sand as unified theory of life and/or everything  "Chemistry is the part of physics that physicists dont understand, while Biology is the part of physics and chemistry that physicists and chemists dot understand!" [1] with less than probable chance anytime soon to reach effective understanding coz simply tilt in wrong models [2][2][2] what tho has also own wrong idealist causality that serves as guiding path for euroatlantic determinists [3][3][3] that draw vibe from their neopagan ancestors and "their" wrong humanistic alchemy [4][5] on what we can just observe and wait to see when that selfdelusional scientic exceptionalism will hit some wall or hole and then after many if not all to wake up from "their" sleepwalking lobotomy imposed as noreturn till man'machine'superhumanity century ago [6][6][6] that is official marching hype for cross agency implementation in usA [6][6][6]

Anyway, some steps as shamefully popularized alternative theories can be seen by chasing bioresonance through quantum physics, yet in context of the 2nd footnotes reasoning that/this is also wrong vacuum cleaning methodology [7][7][7]

Essentially whatever alternative hype would be useful, yet personally think that as revisionist pivot should be taken combinations of RE (radiant energy) in physics [8][8] and to it eg. as Electric Universe Cosmology maybe to be added koziereves torsion fields and garaievs dna mirroring or symbiotic consciousness [9][10][10][11] etc. remixes that will be reexamined also through Microbiology, to point simply alternative theories as in physics so as chemistry and biology should be opened for interchangeable revisioning!, but if mainstream historiography its painful to be requestioned as more randomly skeptic, then how much more stiff repulsion would exist among seemingly exact mainstreamers of natural sciences!?, so probably and eventually Asteroid would pause their exceptionalism and leave space alt.theories to breath freely ... good candidate half decade ahead would be apophysis tho there are many other that come handy!, hm what if they are virus alike messengers on cosmic level!?, passing good or wrong info, depending how now we will or could use or misused it!, hm hm hm out of box reasoning could point that indeed macro and micro cosmos are intertwined as conscious organism that once we would astray invoke reset in this case of "their" wrong neopagan reset of our true nature ... ha Angels playing marbles!

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