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Odiseizam Author
A year ago
I'll try with all my lowliness as halfliterate on this topic to throw further assumptions that can come handy in eventual future academic debate that think can make difference if not else like check and balance of epidemiology if not virology coz as could be seen from the next paragraph footnotes thermodynamics is still not fully explored topic ...

... but first of all when speaking about possibilities, most probably it will be achieved greater understanding of viruses after the current regular examination of x-ray protein crystallography recently was accompanied by the new 1. xFEL (laser beams) and 2. MicroED (electron microspcopes) , what logically will broaden the observation 1. "X-ray free-electron laser, thus enabling studies of fast dynamics without the need to crystallize or freeze the sample" [1][1] and 2. "the electron cryomicroscopy (cryo-EM) method microcrystal electron diffraction (MicroED) has produced atomic resolution structures of important biological and small molecules. Since its inception in 2013, MicroED established a demonstrated ability for solving structures of difficult samples using vanishingly small crystals. However, membrane proteins remain the next big frontier for MicroED." [2][2] altho how geopolitically things got stiff recently its question whether freeway of collaboration like till now will be case between east and west, and overall maybe there is need for paradigm shift of "the theory of life" but what would expose to revision many other biological processes altho from side like that to be opened room for bioresonance too [3][3] now another interesting twist to this would be how viruses can be also beneficial thus flipping the role could be hype [4] or how they tend to become active or inactive due to thermodynamics ~ "despite years of research on virus environmental stability, there do not exist mechanistically motivated quantitative models for virus inactivation as a function of both temperature and humidity" [5] altho its known that nucleid acids restructure or decompose at higher temperatures thus capsid protein shell are affected too [6][6][6] but also an pH variations are issue too [7] and among other think that also its not enough considered the role of the blood alkalinity and the krebs cycle upon the "virulence" [8][8][8][8] (tho footnoted analogy as hint) ... eventually there are other for now fringe scientific possibilities that can affect all these processes eg. protein mimicry by electron charge or discharge in proteins i.e. bioelectrochemistry [9] etc. etc. still not fully known processes in Biology ...

SO all this raises kinky question not per'se about the viruses and whether they exist but why its expected that by default through vaccination could be achieved certain herd immunity, at all whether alone by immunological memory can be achieved secured immunization, practically if the organism is overburdened with co2 and coz that the immunity having issues to fight with regular stress then at best vaccines are ineffective approach even viruses do exist as pathogens simply even we burst health it would need for every new phenotype new vaccine and that whether due to graphene oxide lnp membrane in m'rna vaccines or metal stabilizers in the old type of vaccines like that will be pouted unnecessary the organism!
Odiseizam Author
A year ago Edited: A year ago, Odiseizam
I've found two interesting pro and against positions regards existence of viruses, the later would be attack on the germ theory where viruses and vaccination are seen as completely obsolete fraud ... altho how the elaboration almost immediately is juiced with totalitarian'paranoia'alarm normally instead to be reviewed and confronted as biological understanding (I suppose probably in context of terrain theory) simply from first look it will be dismissed as conspy claim, altho for me even as such opens thought how close or not is to the claims of Cowan or Kaufman, at all wonder why Microbiologist dont open thematic global eforum about virology where will be addressed all alternative theories from aspect of mainstream responsibility so masses would not have hesitance about vaccination as safe immunization approach!, at least will be observed any eventual opposition in articulate manner [1][1] and altho they maybe have active mailed academic debate still narrowed and neat thematic expert e'debate is utmost needed so once and for all this issue to be resolved or opened virology for revision!, sometimes I feel like still witnessing 19c. debate which altho in electronic form still not open and public but elitist one how confined to and around new studies that passed obviously the biased peer'review'process!, hm maybe mandatory eforum for every study could also bring more clarity!?


1. the Debunking Theory

https://beforeitsnews.com/spirit/2020/09/amanda-vollmer-bombshell-evidence-that-covid-rt-pcr-tests-for-chromosome-8-human-dna-with-transcript-2518132.html [1]


2. the Affirming new 3D-TrIm Microscopy (High-speed particle tracking is achieved using a rapidly scanning laser focus over a narrow field of view and single-photon counting detectors to calculate photon-by-photon position updates in real time)

[2] https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-022-01672-3 +  [2][2]


And this is quite an novine what gives more effective proof for virions as particles, stil the complete processes think are not known, or whether indeed as emergence are just chromosomes which by bioresonance means are mobilized on attack!?, still as imagining tech gives quite unique perspective, that tho if is used in propagandized way it could only mislead the academia that the vacuum in virology is removed altho defacto how ineffective are vaccines the same undoubtedly exist [2][2][2] and above all its strange why such hype around synthetic immunization when there is natural alternative like CBD too [3][4] at least there should be available Free Choice about state sponsored immunization with Natural CBD Extract or as till now whatever biotech darpa and big'pharma will slip in the vaxing menu!, actually if "they" are sincere about the motives for transhumanism and give choice think probably will have greater success for reaching faster stable trial&error environment towards superhumanity i.e. instead like now to be thrown extra money on suppressing by propaganda any opposition the same would go for compensation for any volunteer collateral due to rise of humanism and its latest genetic&bionic revolution!

In context of this last sentence whats is troubling is that gene editing is intentionally released for mass use through the widely available cas9 kits [5][5][5] what in effect guess was done for evading eventual bioethical hickups on universities and faster pace of experimenting by garage scientists maybe in context of dope if not else and like that used later for fear psyop and/or good excuse if and when something will went wrong in national labs, practically biohacking as subcultural trend at least should loosen any hesitance for bionic&genetic medicine and as much as possible would collapse the bioethical taboo about gmo'super'man altho knowing how "they" see us as masses like useless eaters defacto any eventual healthy invention will be reserved for the elites and all "their" deistic devotees or needed slaves!

On the other side of the coin as alternative theories that wait the day to be more widely explored like eg. bioresonance altho there is interest by scientists still when the same is heavily ignored as possibility and mostly researched by enthusiasts its question how fast paradigm shift will be achieved, yet again if there is will by the academia alone to speed up this process at least by some student thematic eforums regards Biology and Bioresonance as alternative theory of interaction between cells and the electromagnetic spectrum if so think things can move from the current buried in exceptionalism not just virology but whole medicine and overal ecology of symbiosis in habitat, actually like this could be opened also room for grasping eventual noosphere as kind of emf biom in this World ... for now tho there is maybe misleading inertia eg. which I recognize from the next study that is attempt to explain eventual bioresonance through quantum physics that I am also not sure how valid is if we know that sm of particle physics is also in huge vacuum [6] still the "quantum entanglement" as observed phenomenon should be addressed but probably its should be seen from another perspective as particular emergence due to electromagnetism under specific bioresonant influence, stil coz I am nor biolog nor physicist again I'll urge all dont read me as some knowledgeable authority, simply just see that there is need for revisionism at least of the mainstream exceptionalism so would be reached consensus that alternative theories dont need to be bashed like quackery coz cant be empirically or mathematically weighed or expressed, simply we need above all to rise above the stiffness of the current science to stick solely on modeling through past century postulated theoretical logic!, anyway even as such is suggesting that there is need for revisionism as is case with the next study ...


As even more fringe logic of alternative theory I do wonder whether already in mil.labs is not understood bioresonance and even employed in particular psyop, what in context of these studies can be seen as possible for brainhack [7] reason plus why would be stalled if cant be dismissed such research except the regular big'pharma sabotage of whatever possibilities that are treat to "their" profit and established medical practice knowing how indeed in that huge role have also eugenicists (huxley&co utopianism comes to mind) as gatekeepers of the current narrative for securing happiness by pills genetic and/or bionics for the utopian superhumanity which so would become reality now there is rush to be tied to economy [7][7]-[8] and probably this should be finally exposed as "their" wonnabe utopian fix of euroatlantic agenda so the academia would brake free from "their" narrative, altho even then many would still bend the head simply coz "they" control the vaults and funding for scientific research, yet not all scientists are striken by lucrative motives in their own research, so lets hope someone will eventually pull out paradigm shift, if not else by exploring the possibility viruses to be deactivated by weak currents!?, tho hope that will not bring back again electroshock lobotomy as normal regular trend [8][8]-[9]

In essence how this thread started and how evolved altho that wasnt my intention per'se to throw all kind of digressions, still think the same somehow help to be puzzled out general picture why the current narrative was needed and pushed by euroatlantic determinists which inherited enlightenment era neoplatonist agenda for superhumanity and utopia indeed found lever in virology and vaccination as easiest way for mass tweaking of "super health" and "longevity" as if diseases are eradicated completely we will reach deistic heaven'on'earth, what somewhere after ww2 think got bionic upgrade [10][10] and now finally when bionic&genetic revolution was slipped on small door through m'rna vaccines and like that circumventing bioethics covertly simply "they've" laid firm inertia towards homo'silicone'transhumanism as some normal advanced medicine that saved millions of lives, so why now not to be released in all forms of pharmacology as target'nano'drugs or cosmetics or nourishment etc. etc. fields where synthetic biology could be applied, normally coz greater pace of experimenting towards achieving "their" wrong utopian ideals!, hm will this kind of logic be helpful for academia to grasp that it could be unwillingly (mis)used towards such goals dont know, yep if I was scientist and have stumble on this kind of reasoning would take good laugh surely, but I'll encourage all be skeptic by default and recheck debate decimate my logic and must say loose arguments, loose coz I am layman, but having some experience with wrong elites that chased wrong agendas for what it took me time to figure out how wrong "they" were!, yet still dont blame noone simply as in every field in neoliberal capitalism so as in Biology there are various interest groups that will do their best to suppress whatever paradigm shift if not else from exceptional fear ho so for so long were tilting in at best half truth pool of bio-knowhow!, altho not small portion of similar blockade would come by the military coz simply bioresonance would be like avalanche of risks in context of defense practically whole doctrines would have to be remodeled and that asks for time and resources!, finally ea-determinists as desit elites on west would always long to hold such knowhow for "themselves" simply so would secure own power and position mids the western realm at least till its introduced technocracy and transhumanism as undefiable scientific dictatorship when "they" would not need to play all by money but by push'of'button [12][12] yet even myself I am skeptic about my reasoning too thus would like to hear opinion about the for most of the population still conspy claims and fo encourage debate me while still around but be Polite and open new ontopic thread while here eventually to link as digression the new thread solely so would not choke this thread further and leave space the ontopic "virus isolation" points to be debated in non culture based solution Slight Smile Cheers ...

A year ago
This source is so poorly written from a biological basis that I couldn't go on reading after this paragraph

So there, that is, um, Listen. Share this with people. Help them understand that viruses do not cause disease. That viruses are your own DNA; they come from your body, okay? They come from your body. It’s a chromosome, and that you make these things in accordance with inflammation and damage to tissue. Bacterial infections are no more than areas of diseased tissue that need to be removed by the body. You don’t use antibiotics to kill them; you assist the body to detox the tissue and repair the tissue. Okay, you don’t- you don’t kill yourself.. Stop. We have to stop killing ourselves in the name of trying to not kill ourselves. So again my website is yumnaturals.com. Um, I have a lot of holistic remedies that can really take your health to the next level.. help you detox properly; prevent colds and flu’s, and put yourself in a really fine place of health and balance and wellness so that you don’t become victim.

Suddenly a virus is a chromosome? A chromosome is a single piece of DNA found in every nucleated cell of the body.

so as in Biology there are various interest groups that will do their best to suppress whatever paradigm shift if not else from exceptional fear ho so for so long were tilting in at best half truth pool of bio-knowhow!, altho not small portion of similar blockade would come by the military coz simply bioresonance would be like avalanche of risks in context of defense practically whole doctrines would have to be remodeled and that asks for time and resources!

Agreed Upwards Arrow
Odiseizam Author
A year ago Edited: A year ago, Odiseizam
Hm, I was surprised too when saw that claim, yet for the sake of comparison how pro and against bandwagon have bias regards virology I've thrown the link, maybe could have be better to drop as second tagged url coz the 3D-Trim is indeed something like unique novel imaging of virions, still coz needed to quote the line so would be more appealing link for clicking so it is as it is, tho like that positioned almost as if I am giving more relevance to the conspy chromosome link what tho is not case coz still going back and forth around the final truth about viruses as pathogens!

Probably we will need to see redefinition of the hype eg. coz their attacking sneaking injecting bouncing trajectory and infiltration definitely viruses can be seen as intruder mechanism yet as mark it could be seen as beneficial or pathogenic, and finally how chromosomes are printing proteins i.e. how m'rna command comes it can be not solely coz mechanic infiltration from other organism but the same info can be passed by bioresonance means, tho throwing like this assumptions for general revisioning maybe is not so smart thing, coz probably more easily can be reached revision by diakoptic approach and part by part deconstructing and reconstructing virology instead anblock to be dismissed, in essence the main issue think is vaccination and if that is removed from the menu think we will focus more quickly example on the ipsc stem cells eg. as palliative pneumonia response (check the 12th footnotes below)

Am I tilting grammatically ... in the second part of my previous post and especially in the last sentence due to bioresonant psyop. hm think not and most probably the wordy side kick is as result of too wide digressing while trying to find extra reasons how and why bioresonce to be considered as worthy variable if microbiology gets revisioned ahead!, tho also counts the lost will to reread what have written and slipping from sleeve logic between the correlating footnotes ... Also I've missed to point to one super interesting somehow logical joke (about the dead end of blind reductionist reasoning which is main pivot in the current by humanism choked academia) > that: "Chemistry is the part of Physics that physicists cant grasp, while Biology is the part of Pshysics and Chemistry that physicists and chemists cant grasp" [1] so untill Physics and Chemistry dont welcome more broader revisioning nor Biology could accept Bioresonance as probable variable in cell life, hm maybe after all Mathematics will spin the revisionist wheal on some rudimental way eg. while trying to merge Cosmogony with Physics and Biology [2][2] yet the humanistic alchemists rule out Teleology and eventually in reductionist manner to exhale we dont care hm coz if do will need to look in "their" wrong ideals like neoplatonism atheism or deism which hold "their" scientific stamina hostage to "their" wrong epistemiology!, at best will say everything is illusion [3][3] yeah the fine neat and smooth trap of quantumers to reach even nihilism empirically with huge smile on face!, altho astrobiology hypothesize that eventual strange life forms are possible but till not observed and measured would be only philosophical opportunism altho there is simple logic why cant be ruled out [3/4] hm some even go till extremes to claim that mycelium is the most effectively observable live conscious being that cross=connect all known physical bioms on this World [4] altho I'll say its just medium if so!, tho some have issues with the same [4][4][5][5][6][6] and here I'll stop coz otherwise risk to drawn in various speculative possibilities eg. for giant fossils altho its good to be pointed through it that out of the box thesis should also be examined if not else so would be excluded as probable [7][7][7] like that avoiding any eventual superstitious biomancy geomancy etc. alike traps!, but for what we need scientific inertia towards spontaneous collective will for wasting time on alternative theories even as humanistic academia and by reverse engineering logic to be removed the chaff from wheat!, otherwise dont see how would be resolved the logic for virome as biocommunication mechanism [8] and again as skepticism so as creativity and curiosity should drive science, the problem is that without eTOS environment the debate pushed in 19c. eloquent communication solely through studies instead in modern agora what would be eforums as etool dont have capacity for polishing probabilities but only judging someone who postulated some as finished thesis or theory!, and that hm is slow, especially slow if needed to be revisioned strangely wrong alchemical basis of humanism that keeps all hostage in "own" hype for understanding of existence (the logic from the 3/4 footnote) and how and why should all to embrace "their" way of reasoning, for what somehow more obvious example is cosmology [9] here will skip biology fingering in same manner so would not offend someone, altho neoplatonism and from it derived eugenics are enough evident wrongness of direction for following what again think became norm for virology [10][10] frankly dont have personally issue why someone has particular beliefs or knowhow but do have issue when that "someone" is negating all the rest by wrong exceptionalist maximization of its "own" imposed truths!, supposedly we live in democracy and especially in science all have equal space for expressing but what not rarely is just false meme coz actually the power elites mids and through neoliberal capitalism are dictating the narrative trends and inertia for following solely coz "own" interests for what it could be offered various examples from teslas physics till the modern stalled if not suppressed microbiological discoveries [10][10][10] now why is not invested in this first ridiculed now bashed ipsc stem cell method surely underfunded too coz simply at the moment such effective regenerative medicine for "them" its better to stay ineffective coz various reasons [12][12] cant imagine what kind of would had have been achieved if instead for m'rna jabs such sums of experimental funds were thrown on these ipsc stem cells!

Odiseizam Author
A year ago Edited: A year ago, Odiseizam
Must point that as layman would like to grasp what consequences would have Terrain Theory on immunology in context of antibodies, especially coz I held the belief that CBD is boosting Lymphocytes and they removing intruders in the organism!, what if wasnt case then how so cancer patients are getting healed by CBD!?

And if want to find firm opposition than that century ago probably would need to lean on more recent antivirology proponents among which one curious example would be dr, Robert Willner who maybe if didnt died soon after this next lecture would not be so unique case [1][1][1] now was there some conspiracy hm if this next sentence is true then there is without doubt ~ "On his deathbed, Pasteur recanted, saying that Bernard [Claude Bernard] was right; "the Terrain is everything, the Germ is nothing!"" ~ plus the quoted link is excluded from archive.org hm hm hm [2][2]-?[2] anyway bacteria fits their claim [3][3] ...

... but then how to be seen viruses they need to explain!, to what dr. Robert Malone would say "it is time to stop this nonsense that there is not a virus, claiming that a French institute claims they have isolated SARS-CoV-2, and claim that this is definitive proof that the virus is real" [4] what was also addressed by dr. Tom Cowan in opening of the vlog episode about possible revisionism regards dna [5][5] now what would be logical step after all this vlogging is to be seen invitation by the academia on open public debate where most sustained alternative theories would be compared with the mainstream one ideally on some eforum, till then trenching again and again in own band could prove toxic, tho good that on the both sides there is prevention knowhow the question is how effective will gets to our common health [6]

Post Merge: A year ago

Must point that as layman would like to grasp what consequences would have Terrain Theory on immunology in context of antibodies, especially coz I held the belief that CBD is boosting Lymphocytes and they removing intruders in the organism!, what if wasnt case then how so cancer patients are getting healed by CBD!?

Wrong per'se dont remove intruders!, so this sounds bit unrelated to virology coz cancers are not seen as contagious pathogens like viruses are, altho it could be said by bioresonance logic that as viruses so as cancers can be passed from one to another organism by energetic entanglement, yet if so then eg. cellulite cells can too etc., or maybe not all cells have such bioresonant properties!?, hm wonder can be toxins also passed by bioresonant means eg. as "aetheral" bioshareware among organisms in same species!?, speculation that is vague by itself until its not narrowed the possibility of Bioresonance in first place how and why appear!

Probably need to emphasize that if CBD is indirectly treating side effects of sar'cov'2 [1] then if virology gets revision then immunology antibodies ECS and all i-processes overall should be revised too!, practically if terrain theory get grip pretty much whole Biology and Medicine would need till extremes to be reworked what looks extramely unlikely, but we can start focusing on Bioresonance eg. why different viruses or cells burst under different frequencies so would be found some pivot for research of Bioresonance ... tho one thing is observation while another causation yet if not else "electrotherapy" will become like that more researched [2]
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
the question is how effective will gets to our common health [6]

Actually I am learning for first time from this webinar what is the difference between germ and terrain theory, simply as layman couldnt unlist viruses anyhow but see that there is huge vacuum as in detection so as isolation and not less prevention trough vaccination, by some substantional evidence from bioresonance research in the past obviously that would be the missing puzzle, that tho even as such like part of the virology (determined by germ theory) it would take paradigm shift of whole Microbiology, what about if its completely is discarded germ theory and accepted terrain!, anyway the difference between the two seemingly is benign when seen from side as derived from Pleomorphism vs Monomorphism [1][1][1] and what to say it has also logic by bioresonance that by frequency it can be stimulated cells to shapeshift or change attributes, tho logic is one thing while observation other!

At least its known that frequencies do affect viruses (every cell actually) [2][2] the question is can they direct them or reshape them or even merge them by particular pitch of radiation!?, and once now there is 3D-Trim tool around (3D live-cell microscopy method) [3][3][3][3] all this (changes due to radiation) should be easily noticed as invitro bioresonant experimenting!, hm shall we live to see such imaging as regular scanning of Patients?, at least looks like potentially not expensive gadget that will revolutionize as the research in virology but also diagnosis, if indeed germ theory is still valid!?
A year ago
Can you imagine the look on the faces of biologist that spent their entire lives "isolating" HIV, researching all its properties, making illustrations of the virion, decoding its genome, etc. It's very hard to denounce everything so quickly. I really want to be a "convert" and believe this notion, but there's a lot of unknowns. I'll continue following this topic, but I still have many questions
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
Also imagine the look of all biologists or md's when coming across some questioning what about debunking of germ theory, probably even for all patients its mindboggling notion to consider even a possibility that were diagnosed and treated by wrong medicine!, surely insurance companies too etc. affected directly or indirectly to the prevalent mainstream germ theory!, hm I do find interesting why havent been passed even as historical lesson terrain theory to students simply its suppressed and buried and I have really trouble finding pro and against expert debate from the past [1][1]'[1][1] almost as with aether in physics tho at least the same is mentioned there altho not anyhow learned as alternative theory what about to be researched as probability!

Thats why I say there should be wide and public academic debate so would be found the right approach for eventual revision, otherwise its built up wrong animosity instead cooperative debate, hm probably coz virology is too big to fail (think per'se due to eugenics but also) how far has gone the mandatory prevention by vaccines as if indeed all processes in the Cell were known altho as we can see still exosomes are not  understood completely, probably even the very process of protein printing by chromosomes i.e. as I am aware the last m'rna hype claimed the spike will not run around the organism yet it is, so is it maybe passed the m'rna instruction to other cells by some mechanism that is still unknown to us!?, here I speculate of course solely coz the wrong assurance that the spike protein will not pop up elsewhere but only in the place of inoculation yet it did altho that is attributed per'se on cytotoxicity [2][2]~[2][2] but it could be as well case of hijack or corruption of the "artificial m'rna programing code", this heavy speculation could be logical if dna can be reprogrammed somehow and for that exist particular possibilities [3] tho probably its wrong to project that the m'rna vaccines have such effect tho till not ruled out as bioresonant possibility how we would know!?
Practically by the 2nd footnotes as could be seen its very hard to be debated even among scientists in the same germ theory camp, what about among opposite bands!, so until some huge discovery happens that will completely shake virology if not germ theory its unlikely that we will see revision, potentially open wide debate can contribute to paradigm shift towards incorporating bioresonance variables in virology, but that germ theory will be thrown adacta thats very unlikely even Pasteur would come and say I've plagiarized wrong ideas!, tho if eugenics somehow is exposed as "someones" still alive agenda maybe things will get bumpy ahead for virology!?

What I find tho problematic in terrain theory is if all cells are one and the same organism that can change constantly then logically we would have seen till now evidence for this, eventually it could be that by under specific circumstances that could be case but constant process, dont know maybe, actually if germ theory is problematic to me how is imposed dogmatically terrain theory is even more to me problem how is not elaborated neatly about all aspects at least I am still trying to get a clue where how to what cells can be applied as probability, tho if stand the day the virology and oncology should be treated in same manner [1] tho for now I'll stick in both case to CBD as effective natural remedy instead juggling with still not fully effective vaccination or probiotic balancing!, tho do accept that blood alkalinity through the krebs cycle affects the viruses!

Staff Member
A year ago
The problem with peer-reviewed academia:

- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
Odiseizam Author
A year ago

Good Point!, in case evaporates here is the assertion from the docu transcript [1] yet again and again I'll remind all dont forger that as process it can be skewed easily [2] thus whats the odds for change if "plutocratic gatekeepers" hold it as hostage such mechanism!?, altho there is also huge conformism among scientists too whether afraid not to be fired or ridiculed if engage in open minded requestioning of virology!, fired coz such attitude would be bad pr whether for the company or the university (examples many), altho if universities release eTOS vibe as mandatory eforum debate even among students think things will start to roll on path to reaffirming if not revisioning of virology ...

Actually this issue bugs me a lot, coz first we would need to see stiffly regulated peer-review process so would expect any eventual revision what about paradigm shift!, simply now in opportunistic endless loop big pharma if not eugenicists will smoothly obstruct whatever revision, sadly but on misfortune as of Science so as Patients!, hm wonder would something at all change if we see Socialism ahead mids the western realm, mostly coz the cost benefit of vaccination for modern'covert'eugenics will be still high even the lucrative big'pharma'loop is removed!?
Staff Member
A year ago
Actually this issue bugs me a lot, coz first we would need to see stiffly regulated peer-review process so would expect any eventual revision what about paradigm shift!, simply now in opportunistic endless loop big pharma if not eugenicists will smoothly obstruct whatever revision, sadly but on misfortune as of Science so as Patients!, hm wonder would something at all change if we see Socialism ahead mids the western realm, mostly coz the cost benefit of vaccination for modern'covert'eugenics will be still high even the lucrative big'pharma'loop is removed!?

I wonder if documenting the peer reviewers would change their attitudes towards their approval of the ideas they're supposedly reviewing. Normally, the contributors reviewing the paper are not made public, nor is it a requirement for most journals.
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
Odiseizam Author
A year ago Edited: A year ago, Odiseizam
Probably by independent auditing of the reviewers studies will be more difficult to be skewed or dismissed, but so we would see any eventual paradigm shift for that we would need constant academic debate among opposite sides in this case virology, what tho as eTOS system needs to be standardized and implemented by the academia!, altho its really discutable who from the opposite camp will have will to hang on academic eforums so we would see profound debate!

One person that is not mentioned in this thread but also vocal about the errors in virology is dr. ShivaA who sounds to me more as political  opposition regards his electoral ambitions even more an western antielitist alike megaphone that could expose ea-determinists and "their" wrong agendas (by the logic from the last 1st footnote due to eugenic and/or malthusian spins&skims) [1][1][1] than he would convince academia that followed wrong virological blueprint, altho it could be useful to be heard his immunological knowhow that as system theory revolves around orthodomolecular medicine [2][2][2][2][3] but in context of his stance in this last footnote regards vit-c as cure for sars'cov'2 think he jumped to early with his conclusions coz due to the blood cloths correlation with covid'19 actually large doses of vit-c will act as coagulant and like that think doing greater damage than good [3] also eg. in context of Copper he is not stressing enough how important is its balance with Zinc for our organism but just mentions it [3]-[3] still his system theory its worthy for examination in context of natural immunity logic by him labeled as "systems immunology" tho not sure how or if at all aligns with terrain theory [4][4][5][5][5]

Maybe I am too optimistic that things will get more open minded and we will see reproof if not else of virology i.e. Biology by itself if not else to reexamine all the mainstream logic and requestion all probabilities of alternative theories, but becoming open minded could mean job loss coz if the bulk of ea-elites have eugenic mindset and "they" have then its almost futile to expect whatever paradigm shift if its waited one by one scientists to jump in public with own revision!, but if we see debate trend at least on dedicated scientific thematic ngo eforums maybe things will loosen or will emerge hype for confirming or requestioning virology!, what tho should be organized by universities so would provoke greater interest!, hm maybe at least one university in this World will have enough courage to provoke such inertia, and maybe somehow ideal ground now for such stunt it would be Russia where those institutes that researched bioresonance would open e~doors for revision not just virology and germ theory but torsion fields (or photonics) and cell communication coz if bioresonance plays even fringe role in context of virology that will open wide space for revisioning world wide ... actually this would be ace for Russia towards exposing any eventual wrong eugenic transhumanist and malthusian agendas of euroatlantic determinists, what will ask for political will per'se coz eventual plain scientific even in their case will be not easily doable due to the conformist humanist stamina of russian biologists!

Post Merge: A year ago

Another ace for Russia that forgot to mention is disbanding the fear porn around dod's biological weapons program in which invested time money and belief like noother counterpart in this World [1][1] which if collapses as science in context of virology will make usaf pretty crippled if we know that its considered that biowarfare its their largest hope for survival any eventual ww3 at the moment (simply coz lagging behind in all engineering fields in comparison to their eastern counterparts, mostly due to expensive and decentralized tech innovating!), so guess if virology collapses as is currently postulated that will means huge blow as to usaf pr so as to its "ultimate might"!, tho its question how Russia is willing to expose any eventual errors in virology coz simply like this now how all focus is in error simply its beneficial to its military balance where всрф (raf) has upper hand in chemical warfare as I am aware!, So its not certain ace that Russia will play that game, altho if we know that a.i. will speed up the experimental hype in this field simply it goes on hand for Russia to provoke revision of virology coz like that will have chance to secure its citizens from paranoia psyop regards any future plandemix'fear'porn ~ tho as matter of fact whole world population, so it wont get fooled again to fell for the bionic&genetic jabs mainly coz panopticon purposes but not less important for advanced psyop manipulation and emf conditioning!

Another point thats worthy to be mentioned regards the previous post, is ShivaA email controversy which now is exploited extra in black agitprop purposes i.e. how he is not credible voice as liar, which sounds like the hoaxing mantra against Nikola Tesla in its time [2] but what how is fiercely pushed seen from side points that his claims are maybe on right track!, yet dod to risk such simple dismantling of its huge biowarfare hype and now tied to viruses hiving agenda through bionic jabs its almost unimaginable his theory to get any mainstream scientific grip!, yet again its healthy for usaf too to see its fallacy of security agendas resting on science in vacuum, hm surely generals will be most difficult to be convinced to requestion virology, altho what by covert means is secured by egenic grip on the academia!, so it cant be said where who would should or can cut the viral gordian knot, coz that same event could push inertia towards requestioning by magnitude of the wrong utopian humanist ideals also, fears that hold all western elites hostages to obsolete theories and empiricism now in despair expecting that as such will be resolved by quantum comps and machine learning hype, hm error is error even when is pumped on steroids, good meme for this would be Anatoly the Cleaner [3]

Staff Member
A year ago
Not much to add beyond what you said, but these are all really great ideas that you're proposing. I wonder if these are your own ideas?

The part about Russia taking control of the so-called biolabs, I never really correlated that with virology. Perhaps the West is trying to discredit this because the conclusions that arise from it could be a devastating blow to the rheteric.

- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
Authorship Assigned Accidentally ... ideas that popped up due to mosaic reasoning on eforums while trying to dot available info on net!, altho cant claim perfect validity of my reasoning simply coz I am nor biologist nor natural scientist as matter of fact but just random dude who saw the effectiveness of correctly used etool like eforum, thats why I am constantly shouting we need immediately eTOS vibe where we will see 24/7 debates among experts when guess many topics will get utmost clarity if those debates are moderated neatly and participation unburdened from ego for what it should be mandatory nickname presence instead title bragging or selfcensuring!, simply how we are examining science currently its almost like past century readers news letters, if at all some scientist find time to share his opposite stance to the academia and the wider public, tho now done in blog alike manner but one way communication its just waste of time when in question is still open field for chasing or cleaning prevalent mainstream theories, long story short eTOS asks for eforums but also blogs/vlogs and soc.nets too so all debate would be sized in right manner instead like now when is pushed completely wrong [1]

About Russia I am trying to see by probable logic whether eventual paradigm shift could come from their side, coz from euroatlantic for sure will not come as I've said eugenics is "their" motor thus cant be expected that shooter will shoot itself in the head [2][2][2] but who knows maybe the trigger will go by itself!?, if didnt already coz after the failed covert plandemix its obvious that transhumanism and genetic&bionic revolution is slipped in wide experimental mode tho from start dread and faulty, to "their" misfortune and to our luck coz now we have some space for awakening to "their" wrongness of neopagan deistic agendas and respond by citizens disobedience if again try to push up such inertia!, otherwise we will be doomed on mengelian alike history repeating but on steroids, after all we are talking for the same enlightened western pool of humanists longing for some heaven'on'earth and superhumanity even that was pushed by utmost wrong trials&errors even we were all coerced to be guineapigs!, So we need as fast as possible eTOS compactness if not else so would be stopped that wrong eugenic inertia!

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