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JulianDavis JulianDavis
Posts: 151
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13 years ago
I live in michigan and soon I will be inroleing into medical schools, i want to be a physical therapist. So, i was wondering what is the best medical school to inrole in?
yea, i mispelled but what does that matter its not an english class and you get the point
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13 years ago
probably one that won't care that you don't know how to spell enroll.
13 years ago
There are a lot of factors to consider. If you can get in-state tuition in Michigan, you may want to enroll at one of the state universities.

Other programs in the US that are very well respected are the University of Washington, University of California San Francisco, and University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. But there are many, many medical schools out there.

I recommend discussing this question with someone at your high school or college who is more familiar with the programs in your area, and your own particular background and interests.
13 years ago
University of Wisconsin- La Crosse has a great PT program!
13 years ago
You do not need to go to a medical school, only a graduate school that has an accredited program.  Here is a list of the schools in Michigan...all the programs in Michigan are DPT level programs.  If you wish to go out of state, you can get a complete list of programs at : http://www.apta.org and go to the educational programs section.

Andrews University (D6, F1, PR)
Central Michigan University (A4, D6, F1, PU)
Grand Valley State University (A4, D6, F1, PU)
Oakland University (A4, D6, F1, PU)
University of Michigan - Flint (A4, D6, F1, F4, PU)
Wayne State University (D6, F1,
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