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buggyg69 buggyg69
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11 years ago
I am very curious about this.
I want to go to medical school really bad and when I go I want to be able to support myself and not live off of my parents.
But it seems like there would be no time for a job.
What do people normally do?
Do they get a part time job or what?
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11 years ago
You get an assistantship or fellowship that has a tuition waiver plus a living stipend, but only if you are smart. Actually, the local med school provides no tuition assistance, all money is required up front, and you can't have a job. Really, they want you to be committed.
11 years ago
I do have a part time job, actually 2, though they are academically oriented and I have designed them so that I do not have to take a lot of study time out.
Most people in med school do NOT have jobs.  They also do not live off their parents, rather they take out large amounts of loans to cover school tuition, costs and housing.  Depending on what school you go to, this can be upwards of 50K in loans a year.  There is a cap on Stafford loans, anything over this amount (it changes yearly but has a total cap of around 200K) you need to do private or Grad Plus loans through lenders.  
A part time job is usually to supplement income in med school, by the way, because there's no way you can support yourself full time and do school at the same time, based on the schedule and demands on the school.
11 years ago
There really is no time for a job.  Most people get student loans and repay them, if you don't want to live off your folks.  To have extra spending money, get a part time job during college to save up, but medical school will be expensive.
11 years ago
Usually they live off their school loans because in med school you don't have time for a job
11 years ago
If you want a "free" education, consider the military.  They will pay your way through medical school, but you owe them time in military service.  They even pay you while you are in school.

Your other option is loans, and lots of them.

I don't know what the situation is now, but I got some grants and loans for medical school, and I DID get help from my parents.  (I pay it forward by doing for my kids what my parents did for me.  One through college so far, two to go!)

You won't have time to work and go to school.  Medical school IS a full time job.
11 years ago
Usually students do not have time to work during medical school.

I myself did work study in the library (had lots of time to study at 10 o'clock at night) and as a teaching assistant in anatomy (which also was studying and keeping current while being paid)

I had a friend from undergrad school who went to medical school 3 years ahead of me.  He was unusual in the fact that he delivered pizza while going to medicals school often enough that he only had to take loans of tuition and paid his own way for room and board.  THAT is VERY unusual.  Most of your first 2 years of medical school are class from 8am until 3-5pm, eat dinner, then study until 11pm-1am or so and then repeat the next day.  If you wanted to watch a football came on Sat or Sun then you planned your whole week around it.

People normally take out loans and don't work.  Study is usually your full time job in med school.
11 years ago
I know one guy who pretty well paid his way through playing pool, but that's not exactly normal. I did it with indentured servitude, euphemistically called a scholarship, which was a great deal. The military paid my bills and a living stipend for four years, and in return I wore a funny-looking suit for four years. Most people just go into debt past their eyeballs. It's possible to make pin-money with part-time jobs, but there aren't enough hours in the day, or any regularity to the hours, to allow any kind of serious job.
11 years ago
You should not consider the military option if you are only doing it for the money. I have considered this option and decided not to go through with it, after I realized I was giving away 4 years of my life. You can get additional loans so that you have money to live but all my advisers have told me that its not a good idea to get a job.
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