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anneheey98 anneheey98
Posts: 11
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7 years ago
In my lab I found that potatoes soaked in lactose had a positive growth in mass, while the other solutions (sucrose, glucose, fructose and maltose) had a negative growth. Any suggestions?
Mol mass was calculated correctly with the same amount of water, all variables were though of... Cannot find an explanation
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7 years ago

Were you able to replicate your results? For example, did you have any replicates where you noticed this in all test subjects?

The reason I ask is that the more you test it with different pieces of potatoes, and the more consistent your results are, the easier it'll be to make a conclusion.

The only inference that I can make is that lactose being a disaccharide is too large to fit pores (proteins) found within the cell membrane of the potato's cells.

Good luck, get back to me
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