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juliaroberts juliaroberts
Posts: 157
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11 years ago
Please specify if it is associates, bachelors, masters, or Phd.
Also, I live in Texas.
Read 906 times
6 Replies

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11 years ago
You need a masters before you can be anything more than a school councilor. My sister has her BA in psychology and doesn't use it.
11 years ago
Try doing research and start asking older adults who have experience in the field of psychology. Becoming a psychologist for teh military or hospital or school etc provided you seek training and complete any required fields. The higher the degree and experience the more pay and troubled brain issues.
11 years ago
You can't get any job with psychology unless it is a psychologist with a PhD.unless you want to teach psychology.
11 years ago
a psychologist
11 years ago
A bachelor's in Psychology is a liberal arts major. People with these degrees are able to pursue many different paths. Some get a job in business, some go into grad school, some even go on to law school.
11 years ago
Bachelors - social work (i.e. outreach worker, day program worker, group home care worker, group home manager)

Business, Sales, Office entry positions:  Your degree will get you in the door and promoted quicker due to your knowledge of human beh'r.  You can work independently as a management consultant with  a BA and related business experience.

There are no asst. Rogerians, Freudian, or Gestalt therapists--sorry!!!

You need a PhD plus clinical experience to become a psychologist.
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