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Half-Life Problem
Half-Life Problem
Need help answering this question...........

The half-life of radium-226 is 1620 years. If a sample of material contains 16 milligrams of radium-226, how much will it contain in 1620 years? How much will it contain in 3240 years? How long will it take for the sample to contain 1 milligram of radium-226?
General Biology   qew   11704   duddy   14 years ago
folic acid deficiency q...
folic acid deficiency q...
Folic acid deficiency, believed to be the most common vitamin deficiency, causes a type of anemia in which haemoglobin synthesis is impaired and erythrocytes do not mature properly. Explain the metabolic relationship between haemoglobin synthesis and folic acid deficiency.
Biochemistry   qew   2916   2   14 years ago
How many gene products are required to form this structure?
How many gene products are required to form this structure?
A cellular structure is composed of 20 proteins that have identical structures. How many gene products are required to form this structure?
Biochemistry   Susan   1910   duddy   14 years ago
hepatitis e virus article
hepatitis e virus article
found this article on hepatitis b...

Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is the leading cause of acute viral hepatitis in the world, and is most commonly found in Africa, Central Asia, and Mexico. The virus is credited with half of all outbreaks of acute hepatitis infection in children and adults, especially in areas where it is end
News Articles and Discussion   duddy   2061   2   bio_man   14 years ago
Linear Algebra with Applications, 9.e - Anton (Solution Manual)
Linear Algebra with Applications, 9.e - Anton (Solution Manual)
I know this isn't biology-related but it may come in handy for those pursuing a science related degree. Its

Linear Algebra with Applications, 9.e - Anton (Solution Manual)

View the attachment below to download it  Slight Smile

Test Banks   biolove   4391   14 years ago
Amino Acid Polypeptide Q
Amino Acid Polypeptide Q
I need help on the review question:

How many molecules of water are used up in the breakdown of a polypeptide 15 amino acids in length?

Biochemistry   barry   6094   bio_man   14 years ago
What's the relationship between smoking and low birth weight?
What's the relationship between smoking and low birth weight?
I have a nutrient question: the relationship between smoking and low birth weight?

The only thing I can think of is that nicotine and cyanide in cigarettes are toxic to the fetus, any one want to elaborate?
Other   barry   3220   2   wonderworld   14 years ago
Homework Problem!
Homework Problem!
This is for my developmental biology class...

Fugu is a vertebrate like humans, with many of the same complex structures and organ systems. However, unlike humans the size of the Fugu genome is a mere 400 Mb compared to the 3000 Mb of humans. What are two likely explanations for this difference? What does this say about genome size?

How do I go about answering
Genetics and Developmental Biology   barry   3972   3   ThePsychic   14 years ago
Other   bio_man   1940   ThePsychic   14 years ago
What are angiogenic inhibitors and why are they being studied as possible treatments for cancer?
What are angiogenic inhibitors and why are they being studied as possible treatments for cancer?
What are angiogenic inhibitors and why are they being studied as possible treatments for

I know the first part but I cannot relate it to cancer, anyhelp?  Frowning Face
Anatomy and Physiology   KaGi   5453   bio_man   14 years ago
Embyronic Stem Cells Q.
Embyronic Stem Cells Q.
As the first step in generating a ? -catenin knock-out mouse, you have used ES cells from a black mouse strain and selected for cells in which an appropriate transfected construct has undergone homologous recombination at the ?-catenin locus.  You then inject the transformed ES cells into the blastocysts of embryos from white mice and implant them into a pseudopregnant foster m
Genetics and Developmental Biology   sammy   1554   2   14 years ago
Other   bio_man   2396   14 years ago
Active Transport by Group Translocation
Active Transport by Group Translocation
Animation on Active Transport by Group Translocation
Other   admin   3157   14 years ago
Electron Transport System and ATP Formation
Electron Transport System and ATP Formation
Animation on Electron Transport System and ATP Formation
Other   admin   1658   14 years ago
Genetic basis for multi-tasking?
Genetic basis for multi-tasking?
Psychologists have found that 2.5 percent of the American population has a special multi-tasking ability that allows them to do such things as safely drive and talk on the phone at the same time. The neural basis behind this effect is not known, but there are still some interesting questions that emerge. Should proven supertaskers be exempt from laws banning phone use while driving?
News Articles and Discussion   bio_man   1414   2   Biology Forums   14 years ago
A miracle salve or another stem cell fraud?
A miracle salve or another stem cell fraud?
This article talks about stem cell-derived ingredients being put into makeup and skin products and being sold on the market in Korea.

Some of the ingredients include stem cell culture fluids. This not only sounds nasty, it has the potential to spread HIV or hepatitis viruses.

I believe the use of stem-cell culture fluids has many negative bioethical implication
News Articles and Discussion   bio_man   1386   2   sineandcosine   14 years ago
Differentiate between positive and negative feedback inhibition.
Differentiate between positive and negative feedback inhibition.
In negative feedback, a change in the variable that is being monitored triggers the control mechanism to stop or reverse that change. This is recognized with the release of the ADH Hormone. When the body is dehydrated, osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus shrink. Water moves into the blood stream trying to compensate. AHD is then released to reabsorb more of the water and nutrients in
High School Level Science   magics   21992   sineandcosine   14 years ago
What happens to a rat that has had its adrenal gland removed? Why?
What happens to a rat that has had its adrenal gland removed? Why?
This is for my physiology work, any help would be appreciated  Crying Face
Anatomy and Physiology   wouldbe   2343   2   14 years ago
If the central pattern generator for a human walking is located in the spinal cord, then is the ...
If the central pattern generator for a human walking is located in the spinal cord, then is the ...
Hey Folks, I need help answering this question, so if you guys say you're as good as you are, shed some light please Sad Dummy

If the central pattern generator for a human walking is located in the spinal cord, then is the brain required at all for successful walking behavior? Justify your answer.

oh, btw, this is for my physiology class Slight Smile
Anatomy and Physiology   lewis   1371   2   duddy   14 years ago
How would you design a controlled experiment to measure the effect of falling leaves on net primary
How would you design a controlled experiment to measure the effect of falling leaves on net primary
With two nearby ponds in a forest as the study site, how would you design a controlled experiment to measure the effect of falling leaves on net primary production in a pond?
High School Level Science   peachesPK   7679   bio_man   14 years ago
Blood Vessel Cells Are Key to Growing Unlimited Amounts of Adult Stem Cells
Blood Vessel Cells Are Key to Growing Unlimited Amounts of Adult Stem Cells
The topic of stem cells has always been a controversial one. In this article a research breakthrough in regards to manufacturing large amounts of stem cells is discovered via adult endothelial cells. These cells have a growth factors that promotes creation of mass stem cells.

This breakthrough could lead to discovering huge medicinal applications such as bone marrow trans
News Articles and Discussion   gerrard   1391   2   padre   14 years ago
Describe the mode of action of action of the drug reserpine. What type of protein does it bind and
Describe the mode of action of action of the drug reserpine. What type of protein does it bind and
Describe the mode of action of action of the drug reserpine.  What type of protein does it bind and what is the overall effect of the drug on neurons?

help Neutral Face
Other   padre   1960   bio_man   14 years ago
How to make a Hybridoma!
How to make a Hybridoma!
So I've decided to make a brief tutorial on how to make a hybridoma. Here we go:

Hybridomas are  products of cell fusion between spleen B cells (from an immunized animal) and myeloma cells (cancerous B cells). They proliferate continuously AND produce antibody. The process was developed by Georges Kohler and Cesar Milstein (1976).

(Figure 1
Other   padre   3502   ppk   14 years ago
Rare Species
Rare Species
Hey! I found your website advertised on Biology Topix, I really need help with this question:

Outline and explain the three criteria for determining rare species. Include examples that fit each of the criteria.

Can you help me get started some how?  Undecided
Environmental and Conservation Biology   sineandcosine   2716   duddy   14 years ago
List the four categories of evidence for evolution and briefly describe each one.
List the four categories of evidence for evolution and briefly describe each one.
I'm doing an ISU on evolution, I need some help with this question...

List the four categories of evidence for evolution and briefly describe each one.
Other   sarah   1757   2   14 years ago
A-B Toxin
A-B Toxin

Other   bio_man   1423   14 years ago
Protein Synthesis Animation Video
Protein Synthesis Animation Video
Other   bio_man   2378   14 years ago
Looking to create life?
Looking to create life?
Two of the world’s premier geneticists, Craig Venter and Hamilton Smith have proposed a new approach to genetics. They are looking to create a simple microbe by mix and matching gene segments from previously known bugs and “drop them” into another bug and see if the new genetic makeup will bring the microbe to life.

Do you think this is ethical? Should this be allowed or
News Articles and Discussion   sarah   1417   2   Ame   14 years ago
Blood Sugar Regulation in Diabetics
Blood Sugar Regulation in Diabetics
Other   germ   1455   Ame   14 years ago
Female Sex Chromosomes, Not Just Hormones, Help Regulate Blood Pressure
Female Sex Chromosomes, Not Just Hormones, Help Regulate Blood Pressure
According to this article:, it was determined that something in female sex chromosomes appears to trigger a rise in blood pressure after the onset of menopause. This finding challenges the current belief that sex hormones are largely responsible for regulating blood pressure. An experiment was done with mice giving female
News Articles and Discussion   fifa_2010   1549   3   biolove   14 years ago
Umbilical Cords...medical treatment of the future?
Umbilical Cords...medical treatment of the future?
I felt that one article is not enough to sum up this new direction in medicine, apparently umbilical cords are all the rage, it seems this topic has been growing in interest since at least 2004. here are a few articles posted on the BBC site, which make a time line for the progression of this new form of stem cell related treatment.

Umbilical cord "stem cell" ho
News Articles and Discussion   Ame   1227   2   doubleu   14 years ago
reabsorption of glucose and Na+
reabsorption of glucose and Na+
Explain the reabsorption of glucose and Na+ from the lumen of the nephron tubule into the
blood, using both the Na+/K+ ATPase and Na+/glucose transporter in your answer. Use a
diagram if necessary.
Cell Biology   KaGi   3960   4   Biology Forums   14 years ago
genome beneficial after an environmental stressor
genome beneficial after an environmental stressor
Hi, i have this question for genetics but i think it can be related to phyiology, any help would be appreciate  Sad Dummy

Explain why a certain mutation in a genome may not continue to be beneficial after an environmental stressor is removed.

thanks for ur help
Anatomy and Physiology   cheve   1314   2   14 years ago
How to prevent telomeres from shortening?
How to prevent telomeres from shortening?
My ^*%&^%$& telomeres keep getting shorter and shorter, no matter what i try to do.

  I tried injecting a little telomerase reverse transcriptase into each of my cells, but that approach just seems to take FOREVER...

Any ideas?

(this was just a test posting, but if you happen to know the solution, I'd be pretty  darn happ
Off-Topic Room   BioRumor   2573   3   Biology Forums   14 years ago
What are the different types of scientific articles?
What are the different types of scientific articles?
What are the different types of scientific articles?

Research articles form the “core” of scientific literature – these are the articles written to present findings in specific areas, and are often targeted toward a specific audience of other scientists working in the same area.  Each research article includes enough background information (usually gained from other
Other   admin   3860   14 years ago
[Tutorial] - How to Read a Scientific Research Paper: A Four-Step Guide for Students
[Tutorial] - How to Read a Scientific Research Paper: A Four-Step Guide for Students

Reading research papers (primary articles) is partly a matter of experience and skill, and partly learning the specific vocabulary of a field. First of all, don’t panic! If you approach a primary article step by step, even an impossible looking paper can be understood.

The Four Steps: Skimming, Vocabu
Other   admin   3253   14 years ago
Cell Biology Animations
Cell Biology Animations
An amazing set of links (animations) related to cell biology:
Other   admin   1504   14 years ago
digitalis and ultimate effect on on cytoskeletal protein
digitalis and ultimate effect on on cytoskeletal protein
What specific cytoskeletal protein has its function altered as the ultimate effect of digitalis?
Cell Biology   faraz   1683   2   duddy   14 years ago
Energy and Carbohydrate Q
Energy and Carbohydrate Q
This is another question from my exam review, please help...

Why do plants typically store their excess energy as carbohydrates rather than fat?
General Biology   qew   1788   3   karim89   14 years ago
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