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scollins44 scollins44
Posts: 322
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6 years ago
Drew, Steven, Jen, and Lina are all college friends who are shopping at the local discount store. As they walk through the pharmacy department they notice the free automated blood pressure machine. For fun they all decide to take their blood pressure to see what their readings are. Drew's reading was 122/88 mm Hg, Steven's reading was 132/92 mm Hg, Jen's reading was 110/70 mm Hg, and Lina's reading was 100/60 mm Hg. While in the pharmacy section they also look through the vast array of supplements available. Jen has a family history of osteoporosis and is of Asian descent. She has a small bone frame and is also lactose intolerant. She looks at the calcium supplements but isn't sure what to buy. In the past Lina has been diagnosed as having iron-deficiency anemia and is currently not taking any dietary supplements. She shops in the iron supplement section but is also confused on what to buy. Drew and Steven decide to purchase a large bottle of multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplements to share. Neither Drew nor Steven consistently consumes vegetables or fruits, and they think that taking a supplement would be good for their health. Lina is no longer anemic but wants to avoid being so in the future. What should she do?
 A) Purchase the most expensive iron supplement available, because it is the most likely to be of the best quality.
  B) Purchase a multi-vitamin with iron.
  C) Continue to consume adequate iron in her diet by including whole and enriched grain products and lean red meat and fish.
  D) Purchase the least expensive iron supplement to keep on hand just in case she feels tired.

Q. 2

Drew, Steven, Jen, and Lina are all college friends who are shopping at the local discount store. As they walk through the pharmacy department they notice the free automated blood pressure machine. For fun they all decide to take their blood pressure to see what their readings are. Drew's reading was 122/88 mm Hg, Steven's reading was 132/92 mm Hg, Jen's reading was 110/70 mm Hg, and Lina's reading was 100/60 mm Hg. While in the pharmacy section they also look through the vast array of supplements available. Jen has a family history of osteoporosis and is of Asian descent. She has a small bone frame and is also lactose intolerant. She looks at the calcium supplements but isn't sure what to buy. In the past Lina has been diagnosed as having iron-deficiency anemia and is currently not taking any dietary supplements. She shops in the iron supplement section but is also confused on what to buy. Drew and Steven decide to purchase a large bottle of multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplements to share. Neither Drew nor Steven consistently consumes vegetables or fruits, and they think that taking a supplement would be good for their health. What type of dietary supplement should Jen consider using if she wants to decrease her risk of developing osteoporosis later in life?
 A) A multi-vitamin with iron
  B) A diuretic that is fortified with potassium
  C) A calcium supplement that also provides iron and zinc
  D) A calcium supplement that also has vitamin D

Q. 3

Drew, Steven, Jen, and Lina are all college friends who are shopping at the local discount store. As they walk through the pharmacy department they notice the free automated blood pressure machine. For fun they all decide to take their blood pressure to see what their readings are. Drew's reading was 122/88 mm Hg, Steven's reading was 132/92 mm Hg, Jen's reading was 110/70 mm Hg, and Lina's reading was 100/60 mm Hg. While in the pharmacy section they also look through the vast array of supplements available. Jen has a family history of osteoporosis and is of Asian descent. She has a small bone frame and is also lactose intolerant. She looks at the calcium supplements but isn't sure what to buy. In the past Lina has been diagnosed as having iron-deficiency anemia and is currently not taking any dietary supplements. She shops in the iron supplement section but is also confused on what to buy. Drew and Steven decide to purchase a large bottle of multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplements to share. Neither Drew nor Steven consistently consumes vegetables or fruits, and they think that taking a supplement would be good for their health. Which of the four friends has a blood pressure reading that would be considered pre-hypertension?
 A) Lina
  B) Drew
  C) Steven
  D) Jen
  E) Drew and Steven

Q. 4

What percentage of the world's population is iron deficient?
 A) 20
  B) 25
  C) 33
  D) 50

Q. 5

What is the RDA of iron for men and women, respectively?
 A) 5 mg, 15 mg
  B) 8 mg, 18 mg
  C) 15 mg, 24 mg
  D) 19 mg, 50 mg

Q. 6

The Adequate Intake or AI for calcium for men and women is ____ per day.
 A) 600 mg
  B) 1000 mg
  C) 1500 mg
  D) 2400 mg
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6 years ago
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