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nmar nmar
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6 years ago
  1) material culture
   2) nonmaterial culture
   3) ethnocentrism
   4) symbolic culture
   5) Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
   6) negative sanction
   8) moral holiday
   9) folkways
  10) subculture
  11) counterculture
  12) culture war
  13) real culture
  14) ideal culture
  15) cultural diffusion
  A) another term for nonmaterial culture
  B) a group whose values, beliefs, and related behaviors place its members in opposition to the broader culture
  C) a reward or expression of approval for following a norm
  D) the use of one's own culture as a yardstick for judging the ways of other individuals or societies, generally leading to a negative evaluation of their values, norms, and behaviors
   E) a group whose values, beliefs, and related behaviors distinguish its members from the larger culture
   F) the spread of cultural characteristics from one group to another
  G) the norms and values that people actually follow
  H) the values and norms that people in society officially hold and want to pass onto their children
   I) the classification of culture that includes art, buildings, weapons, machines, and clothing
   J) a clash of values between opposing groups in society that is so severe it may result in extremely high tension, violence, and social upheaval
  K) norms that are not strictly enforced
   L) a time when people are allowed to break norms without penalty
  M) the theory that language creates ways of thinking and perceiving
  N) the classification of culture that includes beliefs, ideas, values, and assumptions
  O) an expression of disapproval for breaking a norm

Question 2

  1) sociological perspective
   2) society
   3) positivism
   4) bourgeoisie
   5) social integration
   6) basic sociology
  7) applied sociology
  8) theory
  9) micro analysis
  10) macro analysis
  11) globalization
  12) hypothesis
  13) operational definition
  14) survey
  15) random sample
  16) sample
  17) median
  18) mean
  19) stratified random sample
  20) fieldwork
  21) rapport
  23) control group
  24) unobtrusive measures
  A) Marx's term for capitalists, those who own the means of production
  B) ways of observing people who do not know that they are being studied
   C) the use of sociology to solve problems
   D) people who share a culture and territory
  E) a general statement about how some parts of the world fit together and how they work
   F) the group of subjects who are not exposed to the independent variable
   G) an examination of large-scale patterns of society
  H) the growing interconnections among nations due to the expansion of capitalism, trade, communications, and travel
  I) the degree to which members of a group or society feel united by shared values and other social bonds
  J) sociological research whose purpose is to make discoveries about life in human groups
  K) the application of the scientific approach to the social world
  L) in a series of scores, the score that falls halfway between the top and bottom scores
  M) the collection of data by having people answer a series of questions
  N) a sample from selected subgroups of the target population in which everyone in those subgroups has an equal chance of being included in the research
  O) an examination of small-scale patterns of society
  P) a feeling of trust that connects the researcher and the people being studied
  Q) the precise way in which a researcher measures a variable
  R) a study in which the researcher participates in a research setting while observing what is happening in that setting (also called participant observation)
  S) the group of subjects who are exposed to the independent variable
  T) understanding human behavior by placing it within its broader social context
  U) a sample in which everyone in the target population has the same chance of being included in the study
  V) in a series of scores, the arithmetic average reached by adding the scores and dividing the total by the number of scores
  W) a statement regarding the ways in which variables are expected to be related to one another, often according to predictions from a theory
  X) the individuals intended to represent the population to be studied

Question 3

Why is it likely that there will be increased intergenerational conflict between the elderly and young for the next several years?
  What will be an ideal response

Question 4

What proposal preceded the Social Security plan that we know today? How did the Social Security system come into existence, and with what sociological perspective is it most aligned?
  What will be an ideal response

Question 5

Describe the three functionalist theories of disengagement, activity, and continuity. Note how each focuses on the adjustments that occur between elderly people and others in society.
  What will be an ideal response

Question 6

Briefly describe how the meaning of old age has changed over time in the United States.
  What will be an ideal response

Question 7

Identify and describe four ways in which our labels of being old are socially constructed.
  What will be an ideal response

Question 8

Define the term graying of America, and describe the consequences of this social transformation.
  What will be an ideal response
Essentials of Sociology: A Down-To-Earth Approach

Essentials of Sociology: A Down-To-Earth Approach

Edition: 13th
Read 124 times

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