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Caileigh89 Caileigh89
Posts: 1012
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8 years ago
Experimenters have tested young children’s theory of mind using various “location change” tasks. For example, consider the following story: Conan is playing with a top. He gets hungry, so he sets the top on the bookshelf and goes to find a snack. While Conan is eating, someone moves the top from the bookshelf to the closet. After hearing the story, children are typically asked where Conan will look for the top. Which of the following will not influence a child’s performance on this task?
a.   age of the child
b.   whether or not the top is visible when the child is questioned 
c.   whether or not the child has a lot of experience playing with tops
d.   whether or not the child is told that the person who moved the top was playing a prank
Children's Thinking

Children's Thinking

Edition: 4th
Read 262 times
5 Replies
Answer verified by a subject expert
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Posts: 3632
8 years ago
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Caileigh89 Author
8 years ago
Thanks for the answer Smiling Face with Open Mouth
8 years ago
My pleasure Slight Smile
4 months ago
Help! The answer is missing an explanation...
4 months ago
Added my explanation, hope it helps!
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