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len5002 len5002
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11 years ago
a. codominance
 b. dominance
 c. incomplete dominance
 d. mutation
Read 715 times
3 Replies
11 years ago
its b. dominance

it will produce 25% pure dominant,50%heterozygous dominant,25% pure recessive

in a,an intermediate will be produced
in c,both red and white shall be found in flower simultaneously as patches
in d.white flower character will be changed  to some other

so as u conclude white flower will be produced only in second case
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11 years ago
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11 years ago
The restricted pigment pattern is either an affect of another gene that controls pigment distribution or an abiotic factor like temperature that affects the red pigment biosynthesis rate. Of the answers you have to choose from I would pick a mutation that restricts the pigment expression to the petal edge or a mutation in temperature sensitivity in pigment synthesis.

If the flowers coloration had been spotted with an evenly distributed color pattern across the flower it would be codominant genetic expression. Codominance does not control the location of the pigment. Therefore for the daughter plant to show a distinct and repeated restriction of the pigment to the margin of the petal implies this is not a result of normal genetic codominance between alleles. It is polygenic or under control of multiple genes.

Picotee is the term for this type of pigment patterning. It is a very complicated area of study in botany and different genera have differing polygenic traits to control this.

In irises one pattern type is controlled by the plicata gene. The plicata pattern is controlled by a single gene consisting of at least three alleles, Pl, pl and pla. The gene's mechanism is unknown but it may control the distribution of anthocyanin pigment or alter the pigment biosynthesis pathway regionally.

Picotee coloration is often an extension of the eye coloration in daylilies and is a very desirable trait many breeders select for.
In some plants the picotee edge is only on the petals, like ?Lady Betty Fretz?, in others its expression extends to the sepals also like ?Puffer Fish? and ?Heavenly Pink Fang?
In some cases the picotee coloration bears no relation to the eye's color. See ?Fortunes Dearest? and ?Face of the Stars?. But in most cases the edge color is the same as the eye. Even if the eye is bi-colored the edge will be bi-colored.

Temperature and picotee edge appearance shows two genotypes in Chrysanthemums.
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