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A dedicated octopus
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0 29019 duddy 10 years ago
These aren't party balloons
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3 31361 duddy 10 years ago
This is why you should never laugh at an overweight person running/working out, seriously
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3 31298 duddy 10 years ago
A seriously weird mutation - poor frog
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1 35290 duddy 10 years ago
A painting as wide as three strands of human hair
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0 8669 duddy 10 years ago
Tibetan carry a 'super athlete' gene from an ancient species of human
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0 6611 duddy 10 years ago
What’s your poison?
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0 6602 duddy 10 years ago
Coolest origami figures
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0 2718 duddy 10 years ago
A visual look on how much water and air sustains the Earth
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0 2419 duddy 10 years ago
Helping the paralysed walk again
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2 7673 duddy 10 years ago
Listening to recordings while you sleep can reinforce what you've learned while awake
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1 7510 duddy 10 years ago
A closer look at white matter
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0 7353 duddy 10 years ago
Interesting cloud formation
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0 7358 duddy 10 years ago
Kidney stones suck, and here's why
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0 9153 duddy 10 years ago
Want to know what the world's largest gathering of snakes looks like?
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1 3469 duddy 10 years ago
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