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Posted by duddy   November 10, 2014   13567 views

Red alligator eyes staring back at you may be unnerving, but there's nothing supernatural about it. The glow is caused when light reflects off a membrane in the eye called the tapetum, which helps nocturnal hunters such as alligators and crocodiles make the most of the limited light.

glow nocturnal alligator tapetum
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3 Comments | Write Comment
Do they actually glow, or is this what you see when you try to take a picture of a "calm lake" at night? Just asking, because I don't want to go find out myself.
Posted on Nov 10, 2014 by judd
They don't glow per se, i.e. there's no source of light at the back of their eyes. It's reflected light, like that which appears as red eyes on photographs. It's similar to shining a light on a cat.
Posted on Nov 10, 2014 by duddy
Seems pretty sweet!!!! Think of all the amazing things we could use that eye sight for, if we could somehow turn it on at will, during night of course.
Posted on Nov 16, 2014 by FEZ613
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