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Posted by duddy   February 6, 2013   4418 views

This is a frilled shark. Frilled sharks are found throughout deep waters in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It is often described as a living fossil because of its resemblance to extinct, Paleozoic sharks. They are rarely seen alive because of their preference for deep water.

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4 Comments | Write Comment
Very disturbing looking lol
Posted on Feb 14, 2013 by jlhall5
First time actually, nice post. Looks a bit like an illustrating, would love to see a video.
Posted on Feb 25, 2013 by savio
This is also known as the dragon shark. It's considered endangered, and is typically found near the coast of Japan.
Posted on Apr 7, 2013 by bio_man
These are very rare sharks. Could even go extinct soon if awareness isn't spread.
Posted on Apr 9, 2013 by robertling
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