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Posted by duddy   April 10, 2015   17097 views

While it may sound counter-intuitive, new research suggests that selectively plucking hairs in very close proximity can stimulate some startlingly dense regrowth. The team behind the study, led by researchers at the University of Southern California, demonstrated that by carefully extracting 200 hairs, one-by-one, from the back of a mouse in a specific configuration and density, they could trigger the growth of around 1,200 new hairs in the area - a five-fold increase. The biological mechanism is shown below:

While it's very early days, the researchers say their findings, which were reported in the journal Cell, could pave the way for new treatments for balding, or alopecia.

hair loss medical breakthrough hair cell biology
Posted in Discoveries
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As a 30 year old male with what I refer to as "think textured hair", and what my wife says "you're balding hunny", if only I could convince her to try this :-p
Posted on Apr 11, 2015 by pendragonus
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