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Posted by duddy   October 1, 2015   15608 views

The corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanium) is one of the world's stinkiest plants. What makes it smell so bad? Analyses of chemicals released by the plant show the "stench" includes dimethyl trisulfide, dimethyl disulfide, trimethylamine (rotting fish), isovaleric acid (sweaty socks), benzyl alcohol (sweet floral scent), phenol (like Chloraseptic), and indole (like mothballs). While this may be foul smelling to humans, to dung beetles and flies, it smells like opportunity. Insects which feed on dead animals or lay their eggs in rotting meat are attracted to the sent, therefore the smell invite pollinators and scares away humans at the same time.

flower smell growth
Posted in Interesting Facts
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