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Posted by duddy   February 2, 2016   6520 views

A medical doctor claims he has the cure for HIV, a cure so simple it's laughable. According to Dr. Samir Chachoua, the Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus (CAEV) in goats milk "destroys HIV and protects people who drink it for life". The so-called researched voluntarily infected himself with Charlie Sheen's HIV-infected blood, and cured himself shortly after with this cocktail. The moral of the story is, if you are traveling across the countryside and see a goat limping, please stop and milk it for Charlie. It's the least you can do.

Joking aside, here's the interview with Bill Maher.

hiv doctor cure
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The video was removed :-/
Posted on Feb 5, 2016 by bio_man
Try this:

Posted on Feb 5, 2016 by duddy
It's morally reprehensible to think that there have been cures for cancers and diseases for possibly years and the medical community has covered it up and buried them for financial gain! It's nonsense

If you really believe that with all the patent sh@# and competition going on between big medical companies and the amount of people who would be potential whistleblowers within both the corporate and scientific areas just because the majority of people have had cancer affect their lives in some negative way, you are a stupid piece of sh@#. All conspiracy theories are fucking ridiculous, and just because this one affects you personally doesn't make it any less retarded. There is no Correlation to goats milk and any type of cure for HIV. There are No antibodies in Goats milk that have anything to do with a retro virus for HIV. Take a basic level Pathology course and you will know this. Do some research before you believe anything! Stop falling for these things please. be smart. use your fucking brains.
Posted on Feb 6, 2016 by citylites
 Take a look, then decide for yourself. Have a great day! :-)

HIV DNA vaccine regulated by a caev-derived promoter
By: Chebloune, Yahia; Narayan, Euan. US Patent: 8,916,174. Filed: July 18, 2011. Issued: December 23, 2014. , Database: USPTO Patent Grants
Abstract: The present invention is directed to a DNA vaccine for immunization against HIV. The invention comprises a DNA molecule that has a sequence encoding a plurality of viral proteins capable of stimulating an immune response against HIV. The DNA molecule is rendered safe for use as a vaccine by the disruption of genes encoding reverse transcriptase, integrase, and Vif. The DNA molecule is further rendered safe by at least a partial deletion of the 3? LTR.

Posted on Feb 7, 2016 by Brittanikah7
Original Article: Frequency of the Serological Reactivity Against the Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Lentivirus gp135 in Children Who Consume Goat Milk
By Tesoro-Cruz, Emiliano; Feria-Romero, Iris Angelica; Orozco-Suárez, Sandra; Hernández-González, Rafael; Silva-García, Raúl; Valladares-Salgado, Adan; Bekker-Méndez, Vilma Carolina; Blanco-Favela, Francisco; Aguilar-Setién, Alvaro. In Archives of Medical Research. 2009 40(3):204-207 Language: English. DOI: 10.1016/j.arcmed.2009.02.002 Abstract: Background Caprine arthritis encephalitisvirus (CAEV) is a retrovirus belonging to the lentivirus genus that also includes the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). CAEV may be transmitted to humans by goat milk consumption. It has been suggested that CAEV may also be involved in the immunological protection process against HIV, but this has not been demonstrated. Here we identified serological reactivity against CAEV gp135 in children who consumed goat milk. (AN: S0188440909000319), Database: ScienceDirect
Posted on Feb 7, 2016 by Brittanikah7
Patent Issued for HIV DNA Vaccine Regulated by a Caev-Derived Promoter
In: AIDS Weekly. Jan 12, 2015, 198; NewsRX LLC Language: English. Abstract: By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at AIDS Weekly — From Alexandria, Virginia, NewsRx journalists report that a patent by the inventors Narayan, Opendra (Lenexa, KS); Chebloune, Yahia (Grenoble, FR), [...] (AN: edsgcl.401670835), Database: General OneFile
Posted on Feb 7, 2016 by Brittanikah7
Caprine arthritis–encephalitis virus induces apoptosis in infected cells in vitro through the intrinsic pathway
By Rea-Boutrois, Angela; Pontini, Guillemette; Greenland, Tim; Mehlen, Patrick; Chebloune, Yahia; Verdier, Gérard; Legras-Lachuer, Catherine. In Virology. 5 June 2008 375(2):452-463 Language: English. DOI: 10.1016/j.virol.2008.01.031 Abstract: Caprine arthritis–encephalitis virus (CAEV) is a lentivirus that causes natural inflammatory disease in goats, with chronic lesions in several different organs.CAEV infection of in vitro cultured cells is accompanied by apoptosis, but the involvement of the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways has not previously been elucidated. We have studied the activation of caspases-3, -8 and -9 by fluorescent assays in various goat cells infected in vitro by CAEV, and the effects of transfected dominant negative variants of theses caspases, to show that CAEV-associated apoptosis depends on activation of caspases-3 and -9, but not -8. A simultaneous disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential indicates an involvement of mitochondrial pathway. (AN: S0042682208000445), Database: ScienceDirect
Posted on Feb 7, 2016 by Brittanikah7
Immunogenicity of a lentiviral-based DNA vaccine driven by the 5'LTR of the naturally attenuated caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) in mice and macaques.
(English) By: Arrode-Brusés G; Hegde R; Jin Y; Liu Z; Narayan O; Chebloune Y, Vaccine [Vaccine], ISSN: 1873-2518, 2012 Apr 19; Vol. 30 (19), pp. 2956-62; Publisher: Elsevier Science; PMID: 22387218;
Increasing the safety and the efficacy of existing HIV vaccines is one of the strategies that could help to promote the development of a vaccine for human use. We developed a HIV DNA vaccine (?4-SHIVKU2) that has been shown to induce potent polyfunctional HIV-specific T cell responses following a single dose immunization of mice and macaques. ?4-SHIVKU2 also induced protection when immunized macaques were challenged with homologous pathogenic viruses. In the present study, our aim was to examine whether a chimeric HIV DNA vaccine (CAL-?4-SHIVKU2) whose genome is driven by the LTR of the goat lentivirus, caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAEV) expresses efficiently the vaccine antigens and induces potent immune responses in animal models for HIV vaccine.
Academic Journal
Posted on Feb 7, 2016 by Brittanikah7
Removed again!
Posted on Mar 8, 2016 by citylites
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