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Posted by duddy   November 15, 2016   10169 views

The Panjin Red Beach lies on the Shuangtaizi River estuary, just outside of Panjin City, China. The river isn’t your typical freshwater river. The water has a high saline content and very high alkaline levels. Typically, this leads to plants being unable to grow in the water or on the shore. However, there is a very special plant that has adapted to the conditions of the river and thrives in this environment.

Suaeda (also known as seablite), is a kind of succulent that only grows in the type of habitat found along the river. Like a lot of plants, the suaeda changes with the seasons. During the spring and summer months, the seablite is a typical green color. In the fall, it turns this deep bright red color as far as the eye can see.

Tourist venture to Panjin from all around to walk along the jetty built over beautiful sight. The red beach is more than just a postcard view; it’s also the biggest wetland and reed marsh in the world. It’s size and complicated makeup makes the Panjin Red Beach the most complete ecosystem to be found.

The marsh is home to more than 260 kinds of birds and 399 kinds of wild animals. The endangered Crown Cranes and Black Beaked Gulls call this place home. Not only is the red beach beautiful, it’s also one of the most unique habitats in the world.

The seablite shifts to purple in the winter as it dies and then is reborn in the spring to start the cycle over again.


china marsh color
Posted in Interesting Facts
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3 Comments | Write Comment
nice pc
Posted on Nov 18, 2016 by thevoicexxx

How can birds survive with these water contains two chemicals?

Are they biologically adapted to drinking that water?

I'm just curious.
Posted on Nov 19, 2016 by Kekek
Seabirds can drink salt water just fine, so I'm certain there are animals adapted to these conditions there too. The salt they take in is absorbed and moves through their blood stream into a pair of salt glands above their eyes. The densely salty fluid is excreted from the nostrils and runs down grooves in the bill.
Posted on Nov 24, 2016 by duddy
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