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Posted by duddy   March 20, 2014   2942 views

Surgeons performed a C-section on this turtle and saved her life!

A turtle named Dabao was a bit lethargic and zookeepers at China’s Chengu City Zoo thought she was sick and sent her for x-rays. The results were surprising: 14 eggs were stuck in the birth canal. To make sure Dabao survived, the surgeons opened the shell with a skull opener, carefully removed the 14 eggs (which were immediately buried in sand to await hatching) and resealed the shell with epoxy resin.

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3 Comments | Write Comment
This is such remarkable surgery, I bet the turtle felt so much relief once it woke up Smiling Face with Open Mouth
Posted on Mar 20, 2014 by padre
I guess they have to pass their time somehow.
Posted on Mar 21, 2014 by Alexx
looks painful
Posted on Aug 20, 2014 by biolove
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