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Posted by duddy   March 23, 2014   3269 views

Found all around the world, including off the coast of Australia, the tripod fish can live in depths of up to 6 km below the surface. The purpose of those super-long fins is to elevate the tripod fish to about a metre above the seabed, where the ocean's current is strong. This means that small prawns and crabs are ushered right into the tripod fish's gaping mouth, and all it has to do is stand there.

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2 Comments | Write Comment
Wonderful submarine.. How does it sustain pressure at such depth??
Posted on Mar 23, 2014 by padre
It is not too hard for an organism to sustain the pressure when properly constructed. Remember that the pressure is evenly distributed on the organism's body, so it is not impossible.
Posted on Mar 23, 2014 by Alexx
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