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Posted by duddy   April 11, 2014   2571 views

At first glance, this photo looks like a stunning Scarlet Macaw. Look closer. This species isn’t Ara macao, it’s Homo sapiens. If you look closely, you can see her right hand as the claw, her left arm wrapped over her head to look like the head and the beak. Her left leg is outstretched to serve as the tail, while her right leg is curled up on the post. The bright green eye is painted on her forehead.

Artist Johannes Stoetter spent a month planning and executing this amazing photograph. For four hours, he painstakingly painted the model’s body with breathable paint in order to create the the beautiful details.

Posted in Puzzles and Illusions
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2 Comments | Write Comment
This is amazing.
Posted on Apr 11, 2014 by padre
Posted on Apr 21, 2014 by bio_man
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