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Shape-shifting metal
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1 5986 duddy 10 years ago
NASA Rover finds conditions once suited for ancient life on Mars
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0 2039 duddy 10 years ago
Superfluid liquid helium defies physics as it seeps through glass
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0 2847 duddy 10 years ago
Drinking seawater to survive
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2 1971 duddy 10 years ago
Beer companies are trying to get scientists drunk
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1 2276 duddy 10 years ago
Beautiful Reed Flute Cave
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0 1973 duddy 10 years ago
Could oxytocin be the cure for anorexia?
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0 2943 duddy 10 years ago
Elements according to their relative abundance
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0 3232 duddy 10 years ago
Are multivitamins evil?
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0 8639 duddy 10 years ago
The cotton castle
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2 6191 duddy 10 years ago
Proof that money does grow on trees
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0 7648 duddy 10 years ago
New subatomic particle discovered
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1 2629 duddy 10 years ago
So, chemistry is all theory, right?
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1 4752 savio 10 years ago
Cool shiny metal
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0 3644 duddy 10 years ago
The periodic table based on the discoverer's nationality
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0 3377 duddy 10 years ago
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