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Depth perception in babies
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0 18946 bio_man 3 years ago
Watch this rare footage of a housewife on LSD
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0 3535 duddy 8 years ago
One-eyed pigeons are terrible with directions
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0 9108 duddy 8 years ago
Could pink prison cells calm prisoners down? This psychologist thinks so
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0 9462 duddy 9 years ago
Weird things happen when you stare into someone's eyes
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1 2228 duddy 9 years ago
Red-hot nickel ball versus floral foam
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1 1198 duddy 9 years ago
Watch what happens when you pop a balloon filled with elemental mercury
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1 12144 duddy 9 years ago
Golden rain
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2 12550 duddy 9 years ago
World's largest vacuum
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0 6656 duddy 9 years ago
Don't try this at home
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2 8104 duddy 10 years ago
When was the last time you used the stairs?
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1 2765 bio_man 11 years ago
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