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Can you spot the plants in this photo?
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0 16150 duddy 9 years ago
Snow that is unmelted because of the shadow of a tree
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0 23746 duddy 9 years ago
Rockets of the world
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0 13773 duddy 9 years ago
Just how radioactive is uranium?
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0 16360 duddy 9 years ago
Deepest hole on the planet
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3 16519 duddy 9 years ago
Gravity visualized according to Einstein's theory
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2 21161 duddy 9 years ago
We want eagle vision, and we want it now
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0 55339 duddy 9 years ago
That's a whole lot of pressure
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0 62121 duddy 9 years ago
One shiny, golden bug
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0 14210 duddy 9 years ago
This strange animal can drink through its feet
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0 32104 duddy 9 years ago
Did you know underwater cables power the internet?
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4 25716 duddy 9 years ago
Can you correctly identify Barack Obama's right eye?
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0 31086 duddy 9 years ago
Can plastic be converted back to oil?
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0 28036 duddy 9 years ago
What mechanism allowed early terrestrial animals to transition from water to land?
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1 36053 duddy 9 years ago
Bringing the wholly mammoth back to life
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1 23687 duddy 9 years ago
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