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Would you ever disrupt this centipede family?
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2 16704 duddy 8 years ago
What makes bats 'tick'
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0 12822 duddy 8 years ago
Titi monkeys mate for life
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0 8115 duddy 8 years ago
Time to update the science textbooks
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1 16587 duddy 8 years ago
This carnivorous plant counts to avoid being tricked
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0 16830 duddy 8 years ago
Should you eat snow?
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0 10632 duddy 8 years ago
Piranhas, meet your match
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0 6578 duddy 8 years ago
Like a snowflake, you're one of a kind
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0 15222 duddy 8 years ago
Grapes are beautiful
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1 16910 duddy 8 years ago
Flamingos flock along the shoreline of Lake Bogoria, Kenya
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0 11114 duddy 8 years ago
First ever image taken of a single protein
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0 8471 duddy 8 years ago
Dogs can read human emotions
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1 8755 duddy 8 years ago
Addicted to hookah smoking, this might change your mind
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0 8098 duddy 8 years ago
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