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Deepest hole on the planet
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3 16520 duddy 9 years ago
More water on Europa than on Earth
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1 4529 duddy 10 years ago
Loudest sound in Earth's history
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1 7965 duddy 9 years ago
An infamous quote by David Suzuki
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0 6877 duddy 11 years ago
What happens when chemicals build up or don't break down?
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0 2674 duddy 11 years ago
A new rock formed out of plastic
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0 2026 duddy 10 years ago
Have you ever seen the sun like this?
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0 5041 duddy 10 years ago
A visual look on how much water and air sustains the Earth
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0 2419 duddy 10 years ago
What’s your poison?
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0 6604 duddy 10 years ago
Hottest and weirdest place on Earth
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0 1309 duddy 10 years ago
A NASA orbiter has spotted a rolling stone on Mars
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0 6602 duddy 10 years ago
Most beautiful scenic photo of an aurora borealis
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0 7622 duddy 10 years ago
This is how a full circle rainbow looks like, photo captured in Australia
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0 6365 duddy 9 years ago
If Mars still had water, this is what it would look like
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0 18178 duddy 9 years ago
Nearly every seabird may be eating plastic by 2050
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0 30730 duddy 9 years ago
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